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Lesica P., Husby P..  2001.  Field guide to Montana's wetland vascular plants, a non-technical key to the genera with keys to the species of sedges and rushes.  
Lesica P..  1987.  Location data for Astragalus aquilonius .016 and .017.  
Lesica P..  1992.  Autecology of the endangered plant Howellia aquatilis; implications for management and reserve design.  Ecological Applications.  2(4):411-421.
Lesica P..  1995.  Demography of Astragalus scaphoides and effects of herbivory on population growth.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(2):142-150.
Lesica P, Lackschewitz K, Pierce J, Gregory S, O'Brien M.  1986.  Noteworthy collections.  Madroño.  33:310-312.
Lesher R.D, Rosentreter R., Christy J..  1994.  The role of fungi, lichens, and bryophytes in the development of management alternatives for federal lands in the Pacific Northwest, Abstract.  Northwest Science.  68(2):97.
Les D.H, Reinartz J.A, Esselman E.J.  1991.  Genetic consequences of rarity in Aster furcatus (Asteraceae), a threatened, self-incompatible plant.  Evolution.  45(7):1641-1650.
Leptich D.J.  1994.  Agricultural development and its influence on raptors in southern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  68(3):167-171.
Leppert L..  2001.  Report of bat survey of Idaho Bird Observatory Lucky Peak Idaho.  
Lepidoperists' Society.  2019.  The 2019 Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary database hosted by SCAN (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network).    Available from
A. Leopold S.  1939.  Age determination in quail.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  3(3):261-265.
A. Leopold S, Gutiérrez RJ, Bronson MT.  1981.  Mountain quail [subsection]. North American game birds and mammals.  New York (NY): Charles Scribner's Sons.   p. 48-49.
Leopold A.S.  1977.  The California quail.
Leopold L.B.  1962.  Conservation networks, Part B: a national network of hydrologic bench marks.  Geological Survey Circular.  460-B:4pp..
Leopold A.S.  1972.  Mountain quail.
Leonard M.L, Picman J..  1987.  Nesting success and habitat selection by marsh wrens.  Auk.  104:491-495.
Leonard M.L, Fenton M.B.  1984.  Echolocation calls of Euderma maculatum (Vespertilionidae): use in orientation and communication.  Journal of Mammalogy.  65(1):122-126.
Leonard WP, McAllister KR, Friesz RC.  1999.  Survey and assessment of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) populations in Washington State.  Northwestern Naturalist.  80(2):51-60.  Available from
Leonard M.L, Fenton M.B.  1983.  Habitat use by spotted bats (Euderma maculatum, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): roosting and foraging behaviour.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  61(7):1487-1491.
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Ovaska K.  2003.  Prophysaon dubium Cockerell, 1890, the papillose taildropper (Gastropoda: Arionidae): distribution and anatomy.  Nautilus.  117(2):62-67.  Available from
Leonard M.L, Fenton M.B.  1982.  Habitat use by spotted bats (Euderma maculatum, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): roosting and foraging behaviour.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  61:1487-1491.
Leonard B.F, Rosentreter R.  1994.  Dating a 20th-century fault, Elk Summit talus apron, Big Creek area, Valley County, Idaho.  U.S. Geological Society Bulletin.  
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Baugh J, Wilke T.  2003.  Kootenai burkei, a new genus and species of slug from northern Idaho, United States (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae).  Zootaxa.  355:1-16.  Available from
Leonard M.L, McAllistet K.R.  1996.  Past distribution and current status of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Washington.  
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Richart CH, Young TA.  2011.  Securicauda hermani and Carinacauda stormi, two new genera and species of slug from the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), with notes on Gliabates oregonius Webb 1959.  Zootaxa.  2746:43-56.  Available from