Securicauda hermani and Carinacauda stormi, two new genera and species of slug from the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), with notes on Gliabates oregonius Webb 1959

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Zootaxa, Magnolia Press, Volume 2746, p.43-56 (2011)

Call Number:




arionid slug, Carinacauda stormi, Securicauda hermani, SWAP


Two new genera and species of arionid slug, Securicauda hermani n. gen. et n. sp. and Carinacauda stormi n. gen. et n. sp. are described from northern Idaho and western Oregon, respectively. This taxonomic decision is based on anatomical comparisons to the ten genera of Arionidae native to northwestern North America. Securicauda lacks an atrium and atrial accessory structures, and the epiphallus is almost entirely buried in the penis; Carinacauda has an atrium, a pair of atrial accessory structures, and a long epiphallus that is not embedded in the penis.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Richart CH, Young TA. 2011. Securicauda hermani and Carinacauda stormi, two new genera and species of slug from the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), with notes on Gliabates oregonius Webb 1959. [accessed 2015 Jun 01]; Zootaxa. 2746:43–56.

Citation (generic): Leonard, William P., Lyle Chichester, Casey H. Richart, and Tiffany A. Young. 2011. Securicauda hermani and Carinacauda stormi, two new genera and species of slug from the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), with notes of Gliabates oregonius Webb 1959. Zootaxa 2746:43-56.