Bibliography and Citations

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Lofts R..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Lofts, Roy..  
Loftus B..  1989.  Romance of the harlequin: rare sea duck attracts eye of biologists.  Lewiston Morning Tribune.  41089
Logan DRebecca.  1995.  Idaho dune tiger beetle survey 1995: Cicindela arenicola Rumpp.  
Logan E.R, Smith S.D.  1966.  New distributional records of Intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera).  Occasional Papers of the Biological Society of Nevada.  No. 9:3pp..
Logan E.R.  1967.  The Odonata of Idaho.  :164pp..
Lohr K.  2011.  Spreadsheet of southern Idaho ground squirrel survey points - resurvey of Yensen's 1999 locations.  
Lohr K.  2011.  Spreadsheet of southern Idaho ground squirrel survey points at proposed Galloway dam site, 7 records.  
Lohr K, Haak B.  2010.  Columbia spotted frog Great Basin population (Owyhee subpopulation) long-term monitoring plan: year 2010 results.  Threatened and Endangered Species Project, E-26-7 final and E-26-8 interim, Section 6, Endangered Species Act.  
Lohr K.  2012.  Spreadsheet of southern Idaho ground squirrel survey points and miscellaneous incidental vertebrate observations for IDFG Region 3, 1496 records.  
Lohr K.  2011.  Southern Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus endemicus): year 2011 results.  Threatened and Endangered Species Project, E-28-9 final and E-28-10 interim, Section 6, Endangered Species Act.  
Lohr K, Yensen E, Munger JC, Novak SJ.  2013.  Relationship between habitat characteristics and densities of southern Idaho ground squirrels.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(5):983-993.  Available from
Long C.A.  1974.  Microsorex hoyi and Microsorex thompsoni.  Mammalian Species.  33:1-4.
Long R..  1979.  Eburophyton austiniae (A. Gray) A.A. Heller.  Davidsonia.  10(2):30-33.
Long C.A.  1972.  Taxonomic revision of the North American badger, Taxidea taxus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  53:725-759.
Longmire J.L, al. et.  1992.  Establishing paternity in whooping cranes (GRUS AMERICANA) by DNA analysis.  Auk.  109:522-529.
Longton R.E.  1992.  Reproduction and rarity in British mosses.  Biological Conservation.  59:89-98.
Lonsinger R, Annis A, Beck M.  2010.  Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit Surveys, Idaho 2012 Final Report.  
Loomis J.  2005.  The economic value of recreational fishing and boating to visitors and communities along the Upper Snake River.    Available from
Loomis JB, Donnelly DM, Sorg CF, Oldenburg L.  1985.  Net economic value of hunting unique species in Idaho: bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose, and antelope.    Available from
Looney C.  2008.  Habitat loss and fragmentation on the Palouse and its impact on arthropod conservation [dissertation].  Environmental Science.  :116.  Available from
Looney C, Eigenbrode SD.  2012.  Characteristics and distribution of Palouse Prairie remnants: implications for conservation planning.  Natural Areas Journal.  32(1):75-85.  Available from
López-González C., Torres-Morales L..  2004.  Use of abandoned mines by Long-eared Bats, genus Corynorhinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Durango, Mexico.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:989-994.
Lorain C.C.  1993.  Conservation strategy for Mimulus clivicola.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Species management guide for Grindelia howellii (Howell's gumweed), on the St. Joe National Forest.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Report on the conservation status of Silene spaldingii in Idaho.