Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit Surveys, Idaho 2012 Final Report

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Jerome, p.30 + appendixes (2010)

Call Number:



pellet survey, population distribution, Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis), species of concern, survey


This report summarizes the results of pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis)
surveys conducted in 2012 within the Shoshone Field Office (SFO) of the U.S. Bureau of
Land Management in south-central Idaho. These surveys will contribute to a larger, more
extensive investigation of the distribution of pygmy rabbits across southern Idaho.
Specifically, the results of these surveys will be utilized by Mr. William Bosworth
(IDFG) and incorporated into an occupancy model for pygmy rabbits in conjunction with
BLM contract number L08AC14334. We surveyed for pygmy rabbits using a
combination of standardized surveys and targeted surveys. Standardized surveys were
conducted at 70 sites and resulted in the collection of 278 fecal pellet samples (across 48
of those sites) that were suspected to be pygmy rabbit. These pellets will be analyzed for
molecular species identification at the University of Idaho (Waits Lab). Targeted surveys,
which focused on seven areas of interest for land and wildlife managers, resulted in the
detection of burrows and/or pellets within each area and one visual observation of a
pygmy rabbit within the Site 10A site. Sites that were inaccessible due to access (i.e.,
private property where permission could not be obtained) or due to conditions (e.g.,
avalanche danger, etc.) were omitted and were not surveyed.


Shelf Note: Electronic files--ZOOLOGY: Mammals: U12IFG01IDUS

Lonsinger, R.C., Annis A., Beck, M. 2012. Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit
Surveys, Idaho. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. Idaho Department of
Fish and Game, Jerome, ID