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Public Access

Surface Management

For government land, these data show the managing agency of the land, which may or not be the same as the owning agency.

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Graph illustrating 37.94 percent 37.94 %
Private Graph illustrating 29.7 percent 29.7 %
U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Graph illustrating 21.88 percent 21.88 %
State of Idaho Graph illustrating 5.07 percent 5.07 %
Indian Reservation / Bureau of Indian Affairs Graph illustrating 1.75 percent 1.75 %
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Graph illustrating 1.05 percent 1.05 %
U.S. National Park Service (NPS) Graph illustrating 0.96 percent 0.96 %
Other Graph illustrating 0.63 percent 0.63 %
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Graph illustrating 0.37 percent 0.37 %
U.S. Military Graph illustrating 0.24 percent 0.24 %
U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) Graph illustrating 0.13 percent 0.13 %
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Graph illustrating 0.09 percent 0.09 %
U.S. Corps of Engineers (COE) Graph illustrating 0.05 percent 0.05 %
U.S. National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Graph illustrating 0.04 percent 0.04 %

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Ownership data source: Inside Idaho

Access Yes! Properties

National Forests

Federally-designated Wilderness Areas

No motorized vehicles are allowed in these areas.

Land Use/Cover

Forest Graph illustrating 40.39 percent 40.39 %
Rangeland Graph illustrating 38.06 percent 38.06 %
Dryland Agriculture Graph illustrating 8.17 percent 8.17 %
Irrigated-Gravity Flow Graph illustrating 5.29 percent 5.29 %
Irrigated-Sprinkler Graph illustrating 4.61 percent 4.61 %
Riparian Graph illustrating 1.12 percent 1.12 %
Rock Graph illustrating 1.05 percent 1.05 %
Water Graph illustrating 0.71 percent 0.71 %
Urban Graph illustrating 0.58 percent 0.58 %

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Land Use data source: IDWR