Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 701 - 725 of 3534 questionsQ: Is it legal to ship a pheasant to a taxidermist that is out of state?
I am a beginning taxidermist and would like to obtain specimens for practice. Where can I find out which animals are legal for me to ship/ receive.A:
Hello, I am the Chief of Enforcement for Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Please contact us so we can send you a packet of information regarding your question. 208-334-3736 For your reference please review Chapter 6, Title 36, Idaho Code. I also recommend reviewing Chapter 5, Title 36, Idaho Code. Idaho Administrative Code has rules governing the importation, possession, release, sale, or salvage of Wildlife. 300.RECOVERY, POSSESSION AND SALE OF WILDLIFE PARTS.01. Wildlife Legally Killed. a. The possession, sale and purchase of wildlife or parts of wildlife that have been legally killed is lawful except as provided below and as provided in Chapter 5, Title 36, Idaho Code. i. The edible flesh of wildlife classified as big game animals, upland game animals, game birds, migratory birds, or rattlesnakes taken from the wild may not be purchased, bartered or sold. ii. The edible flesh of wildlife classified as game fish or crustacea that are taken from the wild may not be purchased, bartered or sold except as provided in Idaho Code Sections 36-501 and 36-801 through 36-805 and rules promulgated pursuant thereto. iii. The annual sale by holders of a valid Idaho hunting, trapping or combination hunting and fishing license of up to six (6) skins of legally taken rattlesnakes is lawful pursuant to IDAPA 13.01.06, “Classification and Protection of Wildlife,” Subsection 300.02 and Subsection 100.06 of this rule. b. A written statement showing the taker’s name, address, license and tag numbers, date and location of kill, signed by the taker, must be provided to the buyer of any black bear or mountain lion head, hide or parts (except tanned hides finished into rugs or mounts). A copy of the sales statement must be forwarded by the buyer to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game within ten (10) days after such sale. A department CE-50, Statement of Sale/Purchase of Wildlife Parts, may be used in lieu of a sales statement. c. Persons possessing a taxidermist or fur buyer license shall keep a record for two (2) years from the date the wildlife was received for mounting or preservation, furbearers purchased and raw black bear skins, raw mountain lion skins or parts of black bears or mountain lions purchased. Records may be written or retained on media other than paper and must comply with standards set forth in Section 9-328, Idaho Code. Copies of sales statements as per Subsection 300.01.b. satisfy provisions of this rule.answered 11/22/2014
Q: Disabled hunter access road
How do you obtain keys to gates closed to everybody except disabled hunters? Road example is NFS 548. Also in my area is 594 A and 594 B. Both are closed and do not specify disabled persons allowed. Is there a way you can get a key for gates like that?A:
Idaho Department of Fish and Game does not control keys to US Forest Service gates. Keys to US Forest Service gates are no longer issued to disable hunters. There may be some exceptions but not to my knowledge. Contact the Ranger District Office for the forest you are intending to hunt for the most accurate information. Each forest has a numbering system so there could be many 548 roads. Please contact the US Forest Service District Officer for the forest these roads are in.answered 11/21/2014
Q: Can you hunt muzzleloader with a hunting passport?
can you hunt muzzleloader on with a hunting passportA:
Yes, you can purchase a muzzleloader stamp with the hunter's hunt in an muzzleloader-only hunt OR you can hunt in the Any-weapon general hunt (without muzzleloader stamp).answered 11/21/2014
Q: Why do mentors need the same tag as the mentored?
The regulations indicate the mentor needs to have the same tag as the one being mentored. Why is this so? Is the mentor automatically disqualified if he were to fill his tag while hunting with the mentored or if he had filled his tag earlier in the season would he be disqualified as a mentor? Why would you disqualify someone who may not even be hunting but only mentoring? I guess that is four questions and this requirement seems to have a lot more to answer.A:
The mentor may still act as a mentor even if his/her tag has been filled. The only legal requirement is that the mentor’s tag must have been valid in the same unit as the tag of the one being mentored. The answer to the three remaining questions is; this is how the fish and game commission wrote the rules to govern mentored hunting. The specific rule can be found in the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (IDAPA) 13.08250.01.ianswered 11/20/2014
Q: Mallard ducks
How many male mallard ducks can I hunt in a day.A:
That depends where you are and when you're out hunting. Check the waterfowl seasons and rules in the "ducks" section to determine the bag limit at If you need more clarification, contact your regional Fish and Game office and they'll help clarify.answered 11/19/2014
Q: Landowner Appreciation Tags
Last spring there was a lot of discussion about changing the Landowner Appreciation tag rules. Whatever happened about that?A:
The Department developed a series of recommended changes to the LAP rules to address issues brought forward by some sportsmen and/or landowners. The proposed changes were not broadly supported by the affected stakeholders and the Commission chose not to make any changes at that time.answered 11/19/2014
Q: Northern Pike fishing contest
I am considering sponsoring a Northern Pike fishing tournament in Idaho. I have been told that they must be "Harvest only contests. Is this true and can you send me the requirements? For example, is there a link you can send me that explains how this rule is worded, or can you explain it for me. Thank you for the help, MarkA:
Mark, Rules for Fishing Contest are found in IDAPA. The website is: . You can also find the application to apply for a fishing tournament on our Idaho Fish and Game website at: . We are concerned about the spread of Northern Pike and the impact it could have on our management of native fish populations and some of our other economically important fisheries in Idaho. For this reason, we've made past tournaments for northern pike, "harvest, only." We will continue this practice until we see tournaments are having negative impacts on the northern pike populations in the hand-full of lakes where they currently reside. If you still have concerns about this management direction, contact your local Fish and Game Office and discuss your issues with the Regional Fisheries Manager. Maybe there is a way to hold your tournament without harvesting.answered 11/19/2014
Q: Out of state hunt
Can an out of state hunter purchase a deer tag over the counter in Idaho?A:
Yes. Deer and elk tags are available over-the-counter in Idaho. However, there are a limited amount. As of this answer, there are fewer than 2,000 of a total of 12,500 deer tags available to nonresidents for 2014. You can find the total remaining tags available online. You'll need your nonresident hunting license and tag to hunt in Idaho.answered 11/18/2014
Q: Private land food plots
I have private land with only hunting with permission. What are the laws of me planting a 1-1.5 acre food plot and hunting over it? Or is there a distance or time that I would have to hunt away from it? Thanks for your time.A:
This is a very broad question. I recommend you contact a local Fish and Game Officer for specific information. Food plots for wildlife are encouraged. However, there are rules that prevent hunting over bait for most species. There are Federal rules for waterfowl and migratory birds; an abbreviated discription is found in our Waterfowl Seasons and Rules book. It is unlawful to hunt any game animal or game bird by means of baiting with grain, salt in any form, or any other substance to constitute an attraction or enticement, with the exception of applicable rules for black bear. Federal rules require that seeds or grains are present solely as the result of a normal agricultural planting and harvesting.answered 11/18/2014
Q: Elk Depredation
They used to have a cow elk hunt in unit 50 open within 1 mile of a cultivated to help ranchers keep down the numbers. Are there any plans to bring that back?A:
We are looking at reinstituting the greenfield hunt for antlerless elk in Unit 50 upon the approval of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission. Public meetings concerning this topic and any other changes to big game rules and seasons will be held in early 2015 in various cities throughout Region 6. If the greenfield hunt is supported by the commission then the hunt will go into effect in the 2015 hunting season.answered 11/18/2014
Q: Previous game regulations
Where can I find previous big game, waterfowl, upland game, fishing etc regulations? I do not see any place on the website where I can reference any of the past years regulations. This would be helpful in order to reference a question to any changes that took place, or even just out of curiosity. Can these be obtained any other way if needed?A:
That's a great questions and something we've recently identified as a resource need for the website. However, it will take a while to implement and these archival books will not start appearing for some time. To meet your immediate needs, please contact our Fisheries Bureau at (208) 334-3791. The staff there can direct you to our document library that they can get information about historical regulations.answered 11/16/2014
Q: Land Ownership Maps
Where can I get a plots book showing who owns all land being either public or private?A:
You can purchase landownership maps from the BLM. They will show the land by ownership. They do not have the landowners name associated with the map. Some of the newer mapping layers for GPS units have the landowners name associated with the plots.answered 11/16/2014
Q: Qustions about hunting deer
There has been a question going around work requiring the distance needed to be away from your vehicle to shoot a deer on a back road. We all know it is illegal to discharge your firearm from inside the vehicle and over or across a state highway. The disagreement is if you're driving to a hunting spot and you observe some deer in the distance. How far would you need to be from your vehicle to take a shot?A:
Thanks for the question. I'm glad you guys are having these types of discussions. The answer to your question is the same as so many questons regarding these types of laws:....... It depends. You have pretty much nailed it in the descriprion of your discussion. Idaho Code section 36-1508(a) sets restrictions on shoting from or accross a public highway. It reads in part: No person shall:(a) Shoot from Public Highway. Discharge any firearm from or across a public highway. Idaho Code section 49-109(5) further defines "highway", and states in part: "Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part is open to the use of the public for vehicular travel, with jurisdiction extending to the adjacent property line, including sidewalks, shoulders, berms and rights-of-way not intended for motorized traffic. And so you can see, there is no set distance that you have to be from your vehicle to shoot by law. As long as you are not using your vehicle as an aid to hunting (shooting from your vehicle), it is dependant on the type road. The distance would be much greater for a State Highway, than it would be for a desert 2-track. Thanks for the question. Josh Royse, Regional Conservation Officeranswered 11/15/2014
Q: Wolves in Idaho
Are the wolfs you brought into Idaho the original species that here all along the Canadian wolfA:
Let us know if this doesn't answer your question: 11/15/2014
Q: Can you use a crossbow on a short range hunt?
I want to buy a crossbow for short range hunts and need to know if its legal before i do soA:
Yes, a crossbow is legal in a short range weapon hunt as long as the peak draw weight is not less than 150 pounds. All other archery equipment restrictions apply (ie expandable broadheads are illegal, etc).answered 11/15/2014
Q: Tag fees for Passport Hunter from another state?
I have a young friend from another state who desires to see what hunting is like. He is over 18. does he need to pay non resident tag price to try to hunt deer?A:
Yes, he will need to pay the nonresident tag fees as he does not qualify for resident items.answered 11/14/2014
Q: Why not more moose tags in Area 5.
Moose are becoming a problem in Area 5. I have lived here for 34 years and never saw one until about 7 yrs ago. Scarce at first, but now a common presence on our property. They don't scare away easily so we feel like we are being held hostage in our home at times. This year they destroyed my fruit trees and last week a cow moose attacked my dog. She is fast so got away, but it was scary. If this happens again, is it legal for me to shoot the moose? I have a hunting license, but obviously no moose tag because there are so few awarded. What will it take to get more moose tags in Area 5? We only live 5 miles from Coeur d'Alene so it's not as if we have invaded their territory. And like I said, we were here first.A:
Thanks for your question on moose tags. Right now we are in the process of making recommendations on moose hunting seasons. We are recommending an increase in the number of moose tags that will be offered in Unit 5. We'll continue to look at tag numbers in there and continue to increase tags if it looks like the moose population can take the additional pressure. You comments for the 2015 proposals can be submitted at Moose are native to Idaho and have been present throughout the state before cities were here.answered 11/12/2014
Q: Super hunt with general tags
I want to know if you put in for a super hunt and then buy a general tag before you find out that you got the super tag do you get to fill both?A:
Super hunt tags are a bonus tag. You can have a general season or controlled hunt tag and a super hunt tag for the same species.answered 11/11/2014
Q: Wolf trapping courses
when will you have wolf trapping courses in jerome and how will I hear about them?A:
We've only had a few Wolf Trapping Classes in Jerome because of few requests. There is a Wolf Trapping Class scheduled for Idaho Falls on 11/22/2014 which may be the closest class to Jerome for several months. To find out what classes are available visit our website @ . If any classes are scheduled it will show here. If there are no scheduled classes you can email with your name, phone#, and the places you would like to take a class and you will be notified when a class is scheduled. To schedule a class we need to have at least 7 people interested in taking the class in that location. For any other questions you can contact your local Fish & Game office.answered 11/10/2014
Q: Is a furbearer license required?
If I am hunting coyotes, and a bob cat, red fox, wolf, or mountain lion, comes to an electronic call, can I take that animal without a furbearer's license? I understand a tag will be required to harvest a wolf or mountain lion.A:
For those species that can be hunted such as bobcat, fox, coyote, wolf, and lion, a trapping license is not required. We do not have a furbearer license, only a trapping license that is required for trapping furbearers. Please be sure to check the rules on fox as some counties in the state, i.e. Adams and Valley County have fox hunting restrictions. You may find the rules on furbearers at: 11/9/2014
Q: Non resident applying for special permits before residency requirement is fulfilled
If I apply for special tags before my residency requirements are met and I am drawn, and I meet residency requirements before picking up the special tag, will I then pay resident tag price for the tag?A:
Yes but only at an Fish and Game office. If you purchase your tags via the Internet, telephone or any license vendor in the state, the system will only offer nonresident tags. Once you have met the requirements to become a resident of Idaho, you can purchase resident tags on your nonresident license at any Fish and Game regional or Headquarters office.answered 11/8/2014
Q: Can a Canadian buy tickets for the Idaho Super Hunt?
Wondering if a non-resident would include a Canadian or is it referring to residents of other states in the U.S. only? Would also like to know details on if I could purchase and use a turkey tag?A:
Anyone can buy tickets for Idaho's Super Hunts. Most of the people who enter are from the US, but every year a handful of entries come from another country. A hunter from Australia won a moose tag in the 2009 Super Hunt drawing. Also, since you don't need an Idaho hunting license to enter the Super Hunt drawing, you can purchase entries for friends and family, too. If you are asking if a Canadian, like yourself, can purchase a turkey a turkey tag, the answer is yes. You would be considered a nonresident and would need both an Idaho nonresident hunting license and a turkey tag. Idaho has both controlled hunt tags and general season tags for turkey hunts. For more information on turkey tags, go here.answered 11/8/2014
Q: Steelhead caught 2014
Has anyone caught steelhead yet this NovemberA:
Yes, fishing has been good in the Lewiston, Riggins, and Snake River areas. I was in Salmon, Id. the first week in November and they were picking up a few, fly fishing. We've had enough steelhead enter the Hells Canyon trap that we relocted 300 to the Boise River for anglers. Typically, we don't remove fish from Hells Canyon until the third week in November.answered 11/8/2014
Q: "Specific" reasons why only loose powder and non-jacketed projectiles for muzzleloaders
And please don't tell me what the regs are. I know what they are but I want to know the reasoning for these decisions, for they make no sense to me. I have not hunted with muzzleloader for years. Ever since you folks made this rule... I bought my muzzleloader the year just before you made this rule and I refuse to change my powder and bullets. ThanksA:
The rule for muzzleloader only season is considered a hunting opportunity in the true style of muzzleloaders of the mid to late 1800's. Current technology can provide an advantage over loose powder and all lead bullets. In order to prevent these advantages, modern powders and jacketed bullets are restricted. However, during the short range weapon season you can use your muzzleloader and you are not restricted to loose powder and all lead bullets.answered 11/7/2014
Q: Can I sign up for an instructor led field day if I took hunter's ed online?
I recently completed an online hunter's ed course but there is only one class for the internet field day and it is full. Do I have to wait for an internet field day to open up or can I use the certificate I printed to sign up for an instructor led field day?A:
After you take the online hunter education course and pass, you will receive a certificate with a voucher number. Use the voucher number to sign up for an online field day. This field day is specific for online students only. The instructor-led course has a field exercise, but it is for instructor-led students only. It only includes a portion of what you will need for your hunter education certification.answered 11/7/2014