Private land food plots

I have private land with only hunting with permission. What are the laws of me planting a 1-1.5 acre food plot and hunting over it? Or is there a distance or time that I would have to hunt away from it? Thanks for your time.
This is a very broad question. I recommend you contact a local Fish and Game Officer for specific information.   Food plots for wildlife are encouraged.  However, there are rules that prevent hunting over bait for most species. There are Federal rules for waterfowl and migratory birds; an abbreviated discription is found in our Waterfowl Seasons and Rules book. It is unlawful to hunt any game animal or game bird by means of baiting with grain, salt in any form, or any other substance to constitute an attraction or enticement, with the exception of applicable rules for black bear. Federal rules require that seeds or grains are present solely as the result of a normal agricultural planting and harvesting.  
Answered on: 
Friday, December 5, 2014 - 3:45 PM MST