Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 626 - 650 of 3534 questionsQ: NON Resident Combination Fishing and Hunting 3 year Licence
Is there a specified period in the year when I can purchase the licence addressed aboveA:
You can purchase the license at any time during the year. We began selling our 2015 licenses on December 1, 2014. The three year license expires on December 31 of the third year. For example if you were to purchase the three year license on January 9, 2015, the license would be valid in January 9, 2015 through December 31, 2017.Q: Henrys Lake Icefishing
My family and friends has really enjoyed the opportunity to ice fish Henrys lake since icefishing was allowed through the month of December. The open water anglers get 5 to 5 1/2 months access time most year, icefishermen get 4 to 6 weeks, dependent on the year. Are there any future possibilities to allow ice fishermen access until 28 February?A:
Thanks for your interest in ice fishing Henrys Lake. We extended the season in 2011 to allow for more opportunity for anglers. Like you, many anglers have expressed a lot of satisfaction with this longer season. However, there are others who would like to see the rules returned to a more conservative level, and cite the lack of big fish in recent years as justification for more restrictive rules. Based on IDFG biological data, the smaller sized fish seen in 2011 - 2013 are the result of an increased abundance of wild fish, and not overharvest by anglers (particularly ice fisherman), as some suggest. We have implemented a program to restore the size structure of the population, and have reduced stocking levels by nearly a half-million fish annually. We are starting to see fish size increase, and anglers are reporting catching larger fish again. Once we bring that population back in balance, we can consider additional changes to the regulations, but for the time being, we intend to focus our efforts on restoring balance to the size structure of that population. If you have additional questions or comments, feel free to contact me at 525-7290. Dan Garren Regional Fisheries ManagerQ: Live trapping pigeons and or Eurasian doves.
Is it Legal to live trap Pigeons and or Eurasian doves for use in hunting dog training?A:
Yes it is. Any non target birds must be released immediatley, and unharmed.Q: 2015 Res. Sportsman Package
I bought my new license for 2015, but it didn't print correctly. The license that printed did not have a barcode, and it printed over 2 pages. I had to cut, tape and re-copy. Will this be valid, or do I need to get a re-print at a Fish and Game office. I don't want to pay $7.50 for a duplicate. I was mailed the rest of my tags, receipts and permits. Please inform.A:
In this instance you can take the copy you have to your local Fish and Game office and they can print a duplicate at no additional cost to you.Q: Tree Stands
Are hunters required to remove tree stands at the end of the season when the tree stand is on public lands, or may they be left year round.A:
This is a land managment agency question. If the public land is Forest Service/BLM, I would contact them to clarify, but they would probably consider any treestand left in the forest after the hunting season as abandoned property.Q: Lucky Peak mud
I drove by Lucky Peak yesterday and the water still has that brownish color from all the mud that washed into the Boise River late this past summer. Here is my question: what damage has this mud and silt done to the trout and kokanee fishery since then? Can these fish in Arrowrock and Lucky Peak survive this or will the entire fishery have to be replenished once the silt settles and the water clears up again? I bet a lot of folks would be interested in this topic, so would you consider getting it printed either on your website or in the Idaho Statesman? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.A:
Answer: What happened with the flash floods in the South Fork and Middle Fork Boise River drainages was a unique event that most of us have never experienced before – at least in this river system and our lifetime. Intense rain on recently burned slopes released mud and debris into what was a relatively stable river system. With the floods in the South Fork and Middle Fork Boise Rivers, we expect a decline in the overall trout population over the next few years as the forces of nature reshape the riverbed substrate. Changing flows will sort materials and create new spawning and juvenile fish rearing areas. Once the river is again relatively stable, we expect the wild trout populations to rebound higher than before the floods due to increase diversity of habitats, the introduction of more woody material (fish and aquatic insect habitat) and an increase in nutrients (carbon) the aquatic ecosystem needs to thrive. Last summer when the floods happened, the water column in Lucky Peak and Arrowrock reservoirs were stratified by water temperature. Cold water was on the bottom of the reservoirs with warmer water on top. What we suspected was happening is, the mud-laden run-off was flowing along the bottom of the reservoir in the cold water layer and being discharged into the Boise River through Lucky Peak's deep-water collection system. We anticipated that once the different temperature water mixed/turned over in the fall, the mud would settle and the Boise River through town and Lucky Peak Reservoir would again appear clean. As we both know, that has not happened. What impact will the sediment in Lucky Peak Reservoir have on stocked rainbow trout and kokanee? Our best guess is, it could actually improve growth rates on rainbow and kokanee and make the fishing better. Fish growth in Lucky Peak is dependent on both phyto and zooplankton. The Boise River system, when compared to many river systems around the State of Idaho, is lacking base nutrients. This flood event may have increased the nutrient level in the reservoir, which in-turn, will improve plankton biomass (food). We could and should see benefits, especially to the kokanee growth rates in Lucky Peak, as early as 2015.Q: Upland Game Birds with Crossbow
Regulation states that one can use a bow to hunt upland birds however it’s unlawful to take upland game birds with a crossbow. I can't use a bow and have a disabled archery permit. Does this allow me to hunt upland birds with a crossbow? Why is the permit recognized for Archery Only season but not for anything else that a bow is legal for use?
You are correct in that you cannot use a crossbow to take upland game birds. The disabled archery permit is specifically for crossbow use in an archery only season specifially for big game. There are no archery only seasons for upland game birds. The disabled archery provisions speak directly to the establishment of special archery only seasons in order to allow the use of a crossbow.
Q: Yellow Fish in Sego Prairie Pond, Kuna
A couple of years ago I questioned some yellow trout that I caught in the Sego Prairie Pond. The IF&G response was that they were yellow phase rainbows that were granted to the IF&G by someone in Hagerman. I caught 2 yellow trout at the Pond this weekend and was wondering if yellow phase rainbows had again been stocked or if they are something else. Thanks!A:
Yellow trout were indeed again stocked in Sego Prairie Pond. Typically, bright colored fish don't last long in pond environments where they are stocked. If they aren't caught by anglers, their distinct color makes them more vulnerable to predators such as large birds (pelicans, blue heron, eagles, osprey, etc.) or mammals (otter, mink, etc.). Their chances of surviving more than 30 days in the wild are virtually 0%. To my knowledge, we've not documented yellow-colored trout over-wintering and providing fishing opportunities the following year.Q: How many crawdads are in Cda lake?
I'm not looking for exact that's impossible but how healthy is the population of crawdads in Cda lake? What about CDA beach area? About what percent (from what you know) do the crawdads make up on a smallmouths diet? What kinds of fish are in CDa lake? What makes up most of a smallies diet on CDA? Thx if you don't know that's fine just anything you do would be much appreciatedA:
We don't typically do crayfish surveys, but we can tell you that all indications are, the population is healthy and makes up a significant portion of the diet of adult bass in CDA lake during the summer. Although we haven't opened CDA lake to the commercial harvest of crayfish, we did have one request two years ago from a commercial angler to fish the lake and he found the size of the crayfish was smaller than most restaurants desired. Two years ago, the University of Idaho had a graduate student looking at the diet of smallmouth bass in CDA lake and in particular, the percentage of their diet that was made-up of crayfish and snails. I haven't seen the final report but you might want to look at the University of Idaho's website to see if the results have been published. Look under the College of Natural Resources. I have seen work done on other bodies of water in Idaho and during the summer, crayfish can comprise upwards of 20% of the overall diet of adult largemouth bass. In the winter, the percentage declines to virtually 0%.Q: How do I renew my hunting license?
I am now 23, and took hunters safety when I was 11. I hunted for the first 2 years and then family no longer went. I am now wanting to get back into hunting. What do I need to do to renew my license and be able to hunt again?A:
To purchase an Idaho hunting license you must show a previously purchased hunting license OR proof of your Hunter Education certification (card) ONLY IF you were born on or after January 1, 1975. If you were born prior to this date you can purchase a license without showing proof of a license or certification. If you hunted in Idaho or took Hunter Education in Idaho, we have this information in our database and we recommend going to a local Fish & Game office for assistance. If you need to look up your Hunter Education Certification card, the fastest and easiest way is to use our self-serve hunter education 'duplicate' card look up online. Retrieve your card and print it for free. Where to buy a license? You can purchase online on our website, at a Fish & Game office or a vendor. Our vendors are located in numerous locations - sporting good stores, big box stores...Q: Did someone shoot a dog, Parma?
I went out the NE Boundary of the WMA at Parma Fort Boise , went up to the Railroad track and could see a rather large black dog laying right beside the track . I went to investigate . It appears to have been shot in the front chest- shoulder and the left hind-Quarter . I thought it may have gotten hit by the Train but it appears to have been shot. The holes appear to be from a rifle rather than a shotgun. Anybody care ?A:
Please report this to your local sheriff's office.Q: Discrepency between answer posted here and big game brochure
On 12/6/14, someone asked where on the big game animal the tag must be placed. The answer, posted 12/17/14, referenced the 2014 regulations, page 101 saying that it must go on the largest portion of the animal but NOT ON THE ANTLERS. Page 101 of the regulations under 'Proper location of tag', it says that the tag must go on the largest portion. There is no mention of 'not on the antlers.'A:
This appears to be in response to this Question and Answer: The wording of "not on the antlers" in that answer is specific clarification for the original question. It is not a quote from the 2014 seasons and rules book. The tag must accompany the largest portion of the meat.Q: Bowhunting for deer
If I wound a deer with my bow the night that the season closes and I cannot find it before it gets too dark, can I go back and try to retrieve my deer the next day?
Yes, you must make a reasonable effort to retrieve any animal you wound. It is strongly recommended you contact the local Conservation Officer or Idaho Department of Fish & Game Regional Officer and inform them of the circumstances as soon as possible. Officers and regional offices have answering machines and you should leave a message that includes; who, what, when, where, and why you are attempting to recover an animal after the season is closed. You may be contacted and questioned regarding the circumstances.