Due to the above normal temperature, the elk have not shown up as yet for this hunt. Could this hunt be extended for 30 days? This is also a form of depredation hunt even though it's controlled.
The Department does not plan on requesting to extend this hunt.
This hunt is designed to help address depredations during the period of October - December. The hunt was modified last year with both landowner and hunter input. The Department will continue to be responsive to agricultural concerns as mandated by statute through the rest of the year including January-March. Other tools are at the Department's disposal and will be used to manage elk populations. Throughout the fall success rates to some degree are at the mercy of the weather and it is standard pratice to adhere to the dates of estabished hunts whether they be general season, controlled hunts, or landowner permission hunts.
Answered on:
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - 11:30 AM MST