Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 2526 - 2550 of 3534 questions


IDFG doesn't have any rules prohibiting this but you should check with the Dept. of Agriculture ( as well as local government..
answered 9/4/2012

Q: Can I harvest wild rice (Zizania palustris) in Idaho?

I am from Washington State and I recently learned that there is a lot of wild rice growing in Lake Coeur D'Alene and the St. Joe River. The only literature that I can find about Wild Rice on Idaho government websites talk about how it is an invasive species. I want to collect the grain for food. Is this legal to do?


  IDFG is not aware of a general law regarding the collection of wild rice in Idaho. So the landowner or land manager (whether private or a government agency) would control the collection of wild rice.  You will need to figure out who the landowner or manager is for the area in which you want to collect.  IDFG would only regulate the collection of wild rice that occurred on Department-managed lands, such as the Coeur d’Alene Wildlife Management Area.  You may contact the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the collection of wild rice within Heyburn State Park, the Coeur d’Alene Tribe for collection within the Reservation (including the southern portion of Lake Coeur d’Alene) and the Idaho Department of Lands regarding any state owned navigable waterways, including the portions of Lake Coeur d’Alene and the St. Joe River.   You may also want to look for health advisories or consumption recommendations related to heavy metals.
answered 9/3/2012


Animals are not necessarily predictable, but California quail do often seek water daily.  Mornings and evening would be typical times to visit water, but it might vary depending on weather conditions.  You might expect them to stay near water (and shade) more often on hot, dry days.  On the other hand, quail do not need to drink water if succulent green vegetation is available for food.  Thanks for your question! Ann Moser Wildlife Biologist 
answered 9/3/2012


Potlatch Corporation had the road across their land closed due to a large failure.  The road was rebuilt, rerocked and opened last fall (2011).  Potlatch Corporation did some additional work this spring, but did not close the road.
answered 9/3/2012

Q: what is the sage grouse season

i would like know hhat the season is for sage grouse


Sage Grouse season information is available online at The 2012 season is September 15 through September 21, one-bird daily limit, two in possession.
answered 9/3/2012


Attached you will find two maps showing Idaho Fish and Game maintained boating access sites on the Clearwater River.  The Beardy Gulch site is for non-motorized boats only.   Also included is a kmz file for viewing the access sites in Google Earth.
answered 9/2/2012


You will need a hunting license and a Federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program Validation.  For more information see the mourning dove section of the Upland Game rules at
answered 9/1/2012


You can contact any Fish and Game office.  They have access to hunter education records and can make a new card for you.  Offices are listed in all of our rules books.
answered 9/1/2012

Q: How many hooks can I put on my line?

I go fishing down by Milner and I want to know how many hooks I can put on my line. I'm fishing for catfish.


In Idaho, you are allowed up to 5 hooks per line, except where specifically prohibited (Page 44 of the 2011-2012 fishing rules: definition of hook).  A hook is defineds as "a bent wire device, for the catching of fish, to which one, two, or three points may be attached to a single shank.  What this means is that a treble hook is still considered one hook because it has a single shank - or point of attachment.  If you have a two pole stamp, you may fish 5 hooks on each line AND if you are ice fishing, you may have 5 hooks on up to 5 fishing lines.
answered 9/1/2012

Q: Hi, do I need to have an archery hunters education class, if I have a regular hunting license, to hunt small game or birds?

It is not required for hunting small game.  (If you hunt big game in an archery-only season you are required to get an archery validation and take the archery education class).


It is not required for hunting small game. (If you hunt big game in an archery-only season you are required to get an archery validation and take the archery education class).
answered 9/1/2012


You can catch crayfish as long as the water you are in is open for fishing.  Only 5 crayfish traps may be used with a regular fishing license.  If you use more than 5 traps you must get a Commercial Fishing License from a Fish and Game office.
answered 8/31/2012


Licenses may be purchased online ( at Fish and Game offices ( or at one of our many license vendors statewide (
answered 8/31/2012


You can catch 6 kokanee from Mores Creek, as per the bag limit for kokanee listed on page 15 of the Fisheries Rule booklet.  It is illegal to snag kokanee or any other game fish, so the answer to the second half of your question is "no."
answered 8/30/2012

Q: For archery sights, why is it legal to have lit reticule sights on a rifle and not a bow!?

Wouldn't it be better if the hunter were sure of their target? Lit reticules were illegal in the past on rifles so why change the rule for rifle and not bow?


The Commission Rule states that hunters may not take big game with archery equipment "with any electronic or tritium-powered device attached to, or incorporated into, an arrow, bolt, crossbow, or bow (except nonmagnifying scopes containing battery powered or tritium lighted reticles may be used by disabled archery permit holders)."
answered 8/30/2012

Q: why are we suddenly seeing (pine?) squirrels around Palisades?

We've been coming to our cabin on Palisades for the past ten years and this is the first time squirrels have been a problem. They are fun to watch, but they are digging into our crawlspace! Friends in Alpine are also commenting on the sudden invasion. I realize these small creatures are hardly "Game" animals, but can you tell us where they are coming from? Is the drought in the middle of the country driving them to the mountains? Thanks for your help, .


The pine squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) is a protected nongame species in Idaho. They are found in most conifer and mixedwoods forests with significant stem densities and canopy closure including thethroughout Palisades Range. Pine Squirrels depend heavily on conifer seeds and terminal buds of conifers for food,  but will eat fungi and occasionally small birds. They are highly territorial and, other than a very short breeding season, exclude all other pine squirrels from their territory, therefore, concentrations of squirrels, other than females with litters, are unusual. Litter size can vary dramatically based on age and condition of the breeding female and availability of food resources. Litters of up to 10 are possible. These squirrels are not new to the Palisades area. They may be moving closer to homes due to good cone production  in the area due to normal cycles in cone production; ordue  maturation of trees in the area. You may give me a call if you want to discuss this further. Our Regional Office Number in Idaho Falls is 208 525-7290. Regards,   Rob cavallaro, Regional Wildlife Biologist Upper Snake Regional Office, Idaho Falls.
answered 8/30/2012

Q: Can a person shoot a White Tail on a general tag? If so, can you shoot a Whitetail doe with a archery tag?

I know from previous years, you can shoot a white tail buck with a general tag in general season. Can you shoot a White Tail doe or buck in place of a muley doe or buck with a archery permit and general tag during archery season? I have looked over the new regulations and have not found the answer to this question. I have seen in older regulations you can take a muley or a white tail buck with a general tag. Just want to clarify. Thanks,


Check the rules book for the unit you are in.  If you have a regular tag and the rules don't limit you to harvesting mule deer only, you can use the regular (what you are referring to as "general") tag to harvest a mule deer or a whitetailed deer. Most archery hunts are open to the harvest of either sex; if your unit is open for either sex, you can get a whitetailed doe with that tag.
answered 8/30/2012


It is too early to say for sure at this point. Steelhead run size has been lower than expected. If returns to hells canyon increase, steelhead would be stocked beginning the first week of november. A firm answer will be available by oct 15.
answered 8/30/2012


No, the archery class and validation (permit) are only required for big game hunting.
answered 8/29/2012


The permit is only required in an archery-only hunt, not a short-range or any-weapon hunt.
answered 8/29/2012


No, the current record is over a year old.  You can see all the current records at:
answered 8/28/2012


The most common owl nesting in the Tetonia Area is the great-horned owl. They don't use nest boxes; they use stick nests built by hawks and corvids. Tetonia also gets frequent winter irruptions of great gray owls that move down from adjacent National Forest lands to valley cottonwood stands. These birds prey on pocket gophers and voles. Great Grays likely move to lower elevations due to dense snow conditions in the mountains that inhibit hunting. Your best bet for attracting a vole eating raptor to nest in an artificial structure in the Tetonia area may be kestrels. They are abundant and readily occupy suitably constructed and sited nest boxes. The link below provides some general information on American Kestrels, incluing how to construct and install a nest box. Hope this helps. Best of Luck.   Rob Cavallaro, Regional Wildlife Biologist Upper Snake Regionional Office, Idaho Falls 208 525-7290
answered 8/28/2012


Celebration park is run by Canyon County, it is a county park.  Fish and Game has no boundary restrictions there, but the County may.  You could check with the county, and also signing at the park.
answered 8/28/2012

Q: Are there any unclaimed elk controlled hunt tags for sale

No, there aren't any leftovers.  They have all been sold.


No, there aren't any leftovers. They have all been sold.
answered 8/27/2012


No, the license you purchase to buy your deer tag also covers upland game hunting.
answered 8/27/2012


Contact Idaho Parks and Recreation for information; their website is
answered 8/27/2012