I know from previous years, you can shoot a white tail buck with a general tag in general season. Can you shoot a White Tail doe or buck in place of a muley doe or buck with a archery permit and general tag during archery season? I have looked over the new regulations and have not found the answer to this question. I have seen in older regulations you can take a muley or a white tail buck with a general tag. Just want to clarify.
Check the rules book for the unit you are in. If you have a regular tag and the rules don't limit you to harvesting mule deer only, you can use the regular (what you are referring to as "general") tag to harvest a mule deer or a whitetailed deer. Most archery hunts are open to the harvest of either sex; if your unit is open for either sex, you can get a whitetailed doe with that tag.
Answered on:
Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 3:11 PM MDT