Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 2426 - 2450 of 3534 questionsA:
Boise River steelhead plant specifics are still up in the air based on reduced returns to the Hells Canyon trap. Our best estimate is that only 300 will be transferred this year beginning about Nov 1. Press releases will be made available once specifics become more concrete.answered 10/9/2012
Only barbless hooks with a maximum 5/8 inch gap between shank and point may be used when fishing for steelhead in the Salmon and main Cleawater river, and the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam. Bending the barb(s) down to the shank of a single, double, or treble hook will meet this requirement. Only single-pointed barbless hooks are allowed when fishing for steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River.answered 10/9/2012
Update notice: Idaho statute changes effective July 1, 2015 changes the weapon definitions for some felons. Please review this updated answer for clarification on this change.The following answer remains intact for historical purposes.It depends on the felony. Under Idaho law, anyone convicted of any of 36 felonies may not own, use or carry a firearm, which the law defines as "any weapon from which a shot, projectile or other object may be discharged by force of combustion, explosive, gas and/or mechanical means, whether operable or inoperable." This includes firearmes, muzzleloaders and archery equipment. The right can under some circumstances be restored, unless the crime was murder in the first or second degree, or if conviction included the use of a firearm in the commission of any the listed felonies. (For a list of felonies see Idaho Code Title 18, Chapter 3, section 18-310.)A person convicted of a felony in another state comparable to any crime enumerated in Idaho Code Section 18-310 (2) may not possess a firearm, muzzleloader or archery equipment unless the felony conviction has been expunged or pardoned by the jurisdiction of the conviction.answered 10/9/2012
Q: What animals are banned or permits required to have as pets in Idaho?
Where can I find a list of animals that I cannot keep as a pet and/or require a permit to keep as a pet in Idaho?A:
The best source of information on banned and/or pets that require permits is the central office of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. They are located at 2270 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, Idaho 83712; (208) 332-8540 or (208) 332-8560.answered 10/8/2012
The short answer is NO. Short range weapon seasons for big game are limited to: Shotgun using a slug or #00 or larger buckshot Muzzleloader that are .45 caliber for deer, pronghorn, mountain lion or wolf and at least .50 caliber for elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat or black bear With any bow having a peak draw weight of not less than forty (40) pounds up to or at a draw of twenty-eight (28) inches, or any crossbow having a peak draw weight of not less than one hundred fifty (150) pounds. With any handgun using straight wall centerfire cartridges not originally developed for rifles Although the .357 Magnum was developed as a pistol cartridge, the use of a rifle violates the short range weapon law’s intent of preventing the use of rifles.answered 10/8/2012
When this season was first established, the IDFG took a long, hard look at when snow geese were arriving in Idaho during spring to determine whether or not it would make sense to have a season. The framework for light goose hunting ends on March 10, so if snow geese arrived after March 10, there was no point in having a season. Light goose hunting in the Pacific Flyway, which includes Idaho, cannot occur after March 10. In the end, the IDFG decided not to open a season in most of eastern Idaho because geese typically did not start arriving until after March 10. If we notice that snow geese begin to arrive in eastern Idaho earlier in future years, this is something we may have to revisit.answered 10/8/2012
Yes. Anyone 14 or older is required to have a fishing license In Idaho. Since a non-US Citizen will not have a Social Security Number, they will have to present their passport.answered 10/6/2012
It depends on the unit. You will need to consult the 2012 Big Game Regulations for what is allowable in the unit where you will be hunting. In most cases, a youth can harvest an antlered or antlerless. Same goes for species on the Regular Deer Tag. In most cases, he can harvest either a mule deer or whitetail deer. However, there are some units that are restricted to whitetail only.answered 10/6/2012
A general regular deer tag or general whitetail deer tag is not unit specific. If you hold a regular deer tag, you would need to follow the seasons under the Regular Deer General season section of the Big Game Regulations (check the Whitetail section for general seasons on the Whitetail Deer Tag). Please be sure to always check the regulations for the current year.answered 10/6/2012
Q: What are the exact rules behind the proxy statement for transfer of game meat?
I have a friend with a bull elk tag. He hopes to kill an elk, but does not have the resources to get the meat processed. He would like me to take all the meat for him to get it processed. If I take all of the meat, but he keeps the horns does he still keep his tag with the antlers? Is the proxy statement still good for the totality of the meat? Also is the proxy statement good for check-in at a sanctioned processing facility? Thanks for the clarificationA:
Any person who transports any wildlife for another or receives any wildlife for cleaning, processing, as a gift, or for strorage must have a written Proxy Statement signed by the taker of the animal showing the name, address, and license number of the taker, and the number, kind, date taken, and the name of the person transporting (see page 78 of Big Game Seasons and Rules). The taker of the animal can keep the antlers but the tag must accompany the meat. The proxy and tag will be required of a commercial meat processor.answered 10/6/2012
Q: I have a controlled hunt, the forest service says i have to move camp after 14 days, Is there anyway to get around this?
I have a controlled hunt in unit 18. The forest service told me I would have to move my camp after 14 days. I have to hunt there cause alot of the ground is private. Is there anything I can do to get around this? It's not just me but all the hunters staying in a camp ground is going to have this problem, and the female forest service person was kinda rude and saying I WILL ENFORCE this.A:
The Forest Service has the authority to set their rules in a Forest Service campground.answered 10/5/2012
Q: What position does IDFG take on House Joint Resolution 2aa? What action are you taking?
House Joint Resolution 2aa proposes a constitutional amendment that would politicize fisheries and wildlife managment decisions, placing those decisions in the hands of politicians rather than resource management scientists and researchers. It would remove your department's right to ban certain types of hunting and trapping practices even when collected data and research deem them necessary for sustained yield. It could remove your right to restrict inhumane and unsportsmanlike practices. What is IDFG doing to assure that fisheries and wildlife resources are properly managed for the health of the resource populations and the benefit of future consumptive and nonconsumptive needs.A:
Are you referring to Constitutional Amendment (HJR2a)? The Department has no position on this ballot initiative. The Commission, as the policy body, supports the ballot initiative. More information can be found on the following at: 10/5/2012
You need a valid hunting license. That is all.answered 10/5/2012
Q: Road Kill Rule
Could you please forward me a copy of the road kill rule?A:
Road kill rules are posted on our website at 10/5/2012
We don't have any summer internships, unfortunately.answered 10/4/2012
The answer to a question like this can be best answered by the region office. Please contact the Southwest Region office at 465-8465 to speak to a biologist for that area.answered 10/4/2012
Q: I just filled out the road kill report/salvage form.
I talked to a fish and game officer this morning and he told me to go on line and fill in a report. I just did. He said that i should print this as my tag. I can't find anything to print. Please help. Thanks Ken.A:
I'm not sure how to help you. You may have missed a step. Do you see something that resembles the below in a yellow box? Click this link to print your CE-51 form for this salvage If not, please leave your phone number or contact your nearest IDFG office and they will walk you through the process.answered 10/4/2012
Salvaging bear meat was required from 1973 when black bears were first classified a game animal through 2009.answered 10/4/2012
No, it doesn't.answered 10/4/2012
If they are children they can accompany you but at this time they cannot hunt without taking hunter education and possessing a license and tag. Ten and eleven year olds with hunter education can buy a hunting license and hunt for small game, birds and varmints. Twelve year olds with hunter education can buy a license and tag to hunt big game.answered 10/3/2012
Q: Short Range Weapon Deer Hunt - Unit 63A
I've heard some folks saying that IDF&G is prohibiting shotguns during the short range weapon deer season in unit 63A, from Oct 10-31. Is this true...?A:
I checked with the Upper Snake Region office; that is not true. A shotgun can be used in that hunt.answered 10/3/2012
Idaho doesn't have any rules against the use of a silencer for hunting if the hunter has the correct permit from the Federal Govt.answered 10/2/2012
Please contact the Southeast Region office for information. Their phone number is 208-232-4703.answered 10/2/2012
Please contact the Clearwater Region office. Their phone number is 208-799-5010. They will have the latest information.answered 10/2/2012
Season information is posted on our website in the hunting section ( Pheasants are listed in the Upland Game rules on page 10. Briefly, pheasant season opens on October 20 in southern Idaho. It closes November 30 in southeastern Idaho and December 31 in southwestern Idaho. The map of the boundaries is in the Upland Game Book, also on page 10. For those of you in northern Idaho, the season opens October 13. Please check the rules to determine the exact location of these seasons.answered 10/2/2012