License Applications and Forms

Important: Please allow 7-10 business days for processing of any forms or applications submitted via mail.


Designate a Controlled Hunt Tag - Residents and Nonresidents

Controlled hunt tag holders for big game or turkey may designate a tag/permit to his or her minor child or grandchild under the age of 18 who is otherwise qualified to participate in the hunt. The form at the link below must be used to designate a tag. Visit any Fish and Game office, or send by mail. The tag must accompany the form.

The child or grandchild may receive only one controlled hunt tag per species, per calendar year. The designation must be made before the opening date of the hunt.

Any “once in a lifetime” antlered moose, antlerless moose, Rocky Mountain Bighorn, California Bighorn, or Mountain Goat tag is not eligible for designation to a child.
Resident adults can only designate tags to resident youth; Nonresident adults can only designate tags to nonresident youth.

For more information, please contact your local Fish and Game office.


Disabled Persons / Special Needs - Hunting/Fishing

Note: Applications for a Reasonable Modification Permit to request special consideration for archery and muzzleloader equipment such as the use of a scope (up to 4x) or crossbow are available at Fish and Game regional offices.
Request a Proof of Income letter at the Online Services section of the U.S. Social Security website. Or call, toll free, @ 1-800-772-1213.




Dog Training / Falconry / Hound Hunter


Trapping / Taxidermy-Fur Buyer

Qualification and Selection Process for Special Wildlife Tags

Procedure for nonprofit wildlife conservation organizations to qualify for consideration in marketing and offering hunting tag auction or raffle services for Fish and Game.

Nonresident License Application Form
IDAPA 13 includes various references to applications for licenses, permits, or tags on Department-approved or Department-prescribed forms. IDFG did not interpret “guidance document” under Executive Order 2020-002 to include these template forms (and related documentation examples), which are available on IDFG’s website.
IDFG also did not interpret “guidance document” to include species-specific wildlife management plans/policy statements. These are available via the “wildlife” and “fishing” menu tabs on IDFG’s website.