Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Reichel JD, Corn JG.  1997.  Northern bog lemmings: survey, population parameters, and population analysis.    Available from
Rosentreter R, Hayward GD, Wicklow-Howard M.  1997.  Northern flying squirrel seasonal food habits in the interior conifer forests of central Idaho, USA.  Northwest Science.  71(2):97-102.  Available from
Lewis L..  1997.  Notes compiled by Lyle Lewis, BLM, pertaining to lynx kills and persons who might know about lynx kills.  
Yen A., Weinmann F..  1997.  Notes on the Taxonomy and Nomenclatural Changes in Carex.  
Miller M.T, Allen G.A.  1997.  Noteworthy collections: British Columbia.  Madrono.  44:281.
Fahler N.A.  1997.  Occurence of small owl species on the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  
Allen D.B, Fite K., Nelson J., Flatter B.J.  1997.  (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) population and stream habitat surveys in western Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Mancuso M..  1997.  Palouse goldenweed (Haplopappus liatriformis) monitoring at Craig Mountain - 1996 results.  
Matthies D..  1997.  Parasite-host interactions in Castilleja and Orthocarpus.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  75:52-1260.
Peterson CR, Fabian HJ.  1997.  Photographic identification cards for Idaho amphibians.    Available from
Stewart D.T, Baker A.J.  1997.  A phylogeny of some taxa of masked shrews (SOREX CINEREUS) based on mitochondrial-DNA, D-loop sequences.  Journal of Mammalogy.  78:361-376.
[Anonymous].  1997.  Plant guide handbook.  
Montana Natural Heritage Program.  1997.  Plant species of special concern.  
Owen W., Collins A..  1997.  Poisonous plants of central Idaho.  
Kearns CA, Inouye DW.  1997.  Pollinators, flowering plants, and conservation biology.  Bioscience.  47(5):297-308.
Heekin T..  1997.  Pollock area.
Hazlett D.L.  1997.  Populations of Spiranthes diluvialis discovered in SE Wyoming and Western Nebraska in 1996 and 1997.  
Eldridge D., Tozer M.E.  1997.  A practical guide to soil lichens and bryophytes of Australia's dry country.  
Camp A, Oliver C, Hessburg P, Everett R.  1997.  Predicting late-successional fire refugia pre-dating European settlement in the Wenatchee Mountains.  Forest Ecology and Management.  95(1997):63-77.
Daly C, Taylor GH, Gibson WP.  1997.  The PRISM approach to mapping precipitation and temperature. Proceedings of the 10th AMS Conference on Applied Climatology, October 20–23, 1997.  Reno (NV): American Meteorological Society.   p. 10-12.
[Anonymous].  1997.  Proceedings: first conference on fire effects on rare and endangered species and habitats.
Marzluff J.M, Vekasy M.S, Kochert M.N, Steenhof K..  1997.  Productivity of golden eagles wearing backpack radiotransmitters.  Journal of Raptor Research.  31(3):223-227.
Christy J.A, Harpel J.S.  1997.  Rare bryophytes of the interior Columbia River Basin and northern Great Basin.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  82:61-75.
Mancuso M..  1997.  Rare sedges of Idaho.  
Isle D.W.  1997.  Rediscovery of Water Howellia for California.  Fremontia.  25(3):29-32.