Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Kaltenecker G.S.  1996.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, winter 1995/1996, final report.  
Lewis L.  1996.  Copies of 1996 bat survey field forms [for surveys on Bureau of Land Management lands in Idaho].  
Cummings N.  1996.  Craters of the Moon National Monument 1996 bird census.  
Morefield J.D.  1996.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Eriogonum lewisii Reveal (Polygonaceae), the Lewis buckwheat.  
Holland R.F.  1996.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Phacelia inconspicua E. Green (Hydrophyllaceae), the obscure scorpion plant, in Nevada.  
Pavlik B.M.  1996.  Demographic monitoring and the recovery of endangered plants.
Lesica P., Ahlenslager K..  1996.  Demography and life history of three sympatric species of Botrychium subg. Botrychium in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  74:538-543.
Howe F.P, Knight R.L, McEwen L.C, George. T.L.  1996.  Direct and indirect effect of insecticide applications on growth and survival of nestling passerines.  Ecological Applications.  6:1314-1324.
Hedrick P.W, Lacey R.C, Allendorf F.W, Soule M.E.  1996.  Directions in conservation biology: comments on Caughley.  Conservation Biology.  10(5):1312-1320.
Hazlett D.L.  1996.  The discovery of Spiranthes diluvialis along the Niobrara River in Wyoming and Nebraska final report.  
Laundré JW, Gabler KI, Heady LT.  1996.  Distribution and abundance of the pygmy rabbit, a C2 species, on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. In: Reynolds TD, Morris RC, editors. Environmental Science and Research Foundation annual technical report [to DOE-ID]: calendar year 1995.  Environmental Science and Research Foundation Report Series, Number 012.    Available from
Rosentreter R., McClune B..  1996.  Distribution and ecology of Teloschistes contortuplicatus in North America.  Evansia.  31:10-13.
Rosentreter R., McClune B..  1996.  Distribution and ecology of Teloschistes contortuplicatus in North America.  Evansia.  13(1):10-13.
Moseley R.K.  1996.  Distribution of woven-spore lichen (Texosporium sancti-jacobi) at the I-84/Isaacs Canyon Interchange, Ada County.  
Daughtrey M.L, Hibben C.R, Britton K.O, Windham M.T, Redlin S.C.  1996.  Dogwood Anthracnose: Understanding a disease new to North America.  Plant Disease.  April:349-358.
Bowerman T.S, Dorr J., Leahy S., Varga K., Warrick J..  1996.  Draft Ecological Unit Inventory of the Targhee National Forest, Idaho, Interim report #4.  
Elzinga C..  1996.  Draft Habitat Conservation Assessment and Conservation Strategy for wavy leaf thelypody (Thelypodium repandum).  
J. Amundson etal..  1996.  Draft properly functioning condition. Process - 12/23/96/.  
Hagan J.M, Haegen W.MVander, McKinley P.S.  1996.  The early development of forest fragmentation effects on birds.  Conservation Biology.  10(1):188-202.
[Anonymous].  1996.  The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Mehlhop P..  1996.  Ecology and conservation needs of hydrobiid snails.  Biodiversity Network News.  9(1):6-7.
Merigliano MF.  1996.  Ecology and management of the South Fork Snake River cottonwood forest.    Available from
Anderson D.S, Davis R.B, Rooney S.C, Campbell C.S.  1996.  The ecology of sedges (Cyperaceae) in Maine peatlands.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  123(2):100-110.
[Anonymous].  1996.  Ecosystem disturbance and wildlife conservation in western grasslands - a symposium proceedings. September 22-26, 1994; Alburquerque, NM. RM-GTR-285.  
Air Combat Command U.S. Air Force.  1996.  Ecosystem survey of Mountain Home Air Force Base, Saylor Creek Range, and associated restricted airspace R-3202A.