Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Laurance WF, Reynolds TD.  1984.  Confirmation and expansion of the reported distribution of two species of Idaho herptiles.  Great Basin Naturalist.  44(2):313-316.  Available from
Lauro B., Burger J..  1989.  Nest-site selection of American oystercathers (HAEMATOPUS PALLIATUS) in salt marshes.  Auk.  106:185-192.
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Lavergne S, Molofsky J.  2007.  Increased genetic variation and evolutionary potential drive the success of an invasive grass.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  104(10):3883-3888.  Available from
Lavin J, Boyd S, Hoffman T, Peek J, Loucks B, Wheeler C, Noh L.  2002.  Idaho wolf conservation and management plan.  
Lavin M, Brummer TJ, Quire R, Maxwell BD, Rew LJ.  2013.  Physical disturbance shapes vascular plant diversity more profoundly than fire in the sagebrush steppe of southeastern Idaho, U.S.A..  Ecology and Evolution.  3(5):16pp..
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Lawes TJ, Anthony RG, W. Robinson D, Forbes JT, Lorton GA.  2013.  Movements and settlement site selection of pygmy rabbits after experimental translocation.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(6):1170–1181.
Lawes TJ.  2009.  Potential barriers to movements and habitat selection of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) after experimental translocation.  Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Wildlife Science Program.  :115.  Available from
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Lawler J.J, White D., Sifneos J.C, Master L.L.  2003.  Rare species and the use of indicator groups for conservation planning.  Conservation Biology.  17(3):875-882.
Lawler JJ, White D, Master LL.  2003.  Integrating representation and vulnerability: two approaches for prioritizing areas for conservation.  Ecological Applications.  13(6):1762-1772.  Available from
Lawler JJ.  2009.  Climate change adaptation strategies for resource management and conservation planning.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.  1162:79-98.  Available from
Lawren B..  1993.  The case of the disappearing quail.  National Wildlife.  31(6):40-43.
Lawson B., Johnson R..  1982.  Mountain sheep, (Ovis canadensis and O. dalli).
Lawton E..  1964.  The structure and distribution of Mnium nudum.  
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Layser EF, Burke TE.  1973.  The northern bog lemming and its unique habitat in northeastern Washington.  Murrelet.  54(1):7-8.
Layser T.R.  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for field work done on the Kaniksu NF, Priest Lake RD, during the 1990 field season.  
Layser E.F.  1971.  Notes on the flora of the Pacific Northwest.  Madrono.  21(1):47-48.