Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Kramer E.  2018.  Email submission of slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) observation data on Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Jarbidge Field Office lands at Inside Desert Region.  
Kramer E, Strickland J.  2017.  Email correspondence regarding slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) observation data on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands near Mosquito Butte.  
Kramer AT, Fant JB, Ashley MV.  2011.  Influences of landscape and pollinators on population genetic structure: Examples from three Penstemon (Plantaginaceae) species in the Great Basin.  American Journal of Botany.  98:109-121.
Kramer E.  2021.  Email correspondence and file attachments of Idaho Rare Plant Observation Reports for Lepidium davisii from BLM .  
Kramer E.  2019.  Email correspondence and submissions of rare plant observation reports for BLM, Jarbidge Field Office.  
Kramer E.  2017.  Email submission of slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) observation data on Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Jarbidge Field Office lands near Mosquito Butte, Mosquito Lake and West Well pasture.  
Krapu G.L., Iverson G.C., Reinecke K.J., Boise C.M.  1985.  Fat deposition and usage by arctic-nesting sandhill cranes during spring.  
Krapu G.L, Klett A.L, Jorde D.G.  1983.  The effect of variable spring water conditions on mallard reproduction.  Auk.  100:689-698.
Krausman PR, Leopold BD.  1986.  The importance of small populations of desert bighorn sheep. Transactions of the 51st North America Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference.  Washington (DC): Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 52-61.
Krausman PR, Naugle DE, Frisina MR, Northrup R, Bleich VC, Block WM, Wallace MC, Wright JD.  2009.  Livestock grazing, wildlife habitat, and rangeland values.  Rangelands.  31(5):15-19.  Available from
Krebs J, Lofroth E, Copeland JP, Banci V, Cooley D, Golden H, Magoun A, Mulders R, Shults B.  2004.  Synthesis of survival rates and causes of mortality in North American wolverines.  Journal of Wildlife Management .  68(3):493-502.
Krebs J, Lofroth EC, Parfitt I.  2007.  Multiscale habitat use by wolverines in British Columbia.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(7):2180–2192.  Available from
Kreuzer M.P, Huntly N.J.  2003.  Habitat-specific demography: evidence for source-sink population structure in a mammal, the pika.  Oecologia.  134(3):343-349.  Available from
Krichbaum R..  1995.  Rare plant inventory - Brownlee-Oxbow transmission line project.  
Kristinsson H..  1981.  Additions to the lichen flora of Iceland II.  Acta Botanica Islandica.  6:23-28.
Krog H., James. P.W.  1977.  The genus Ramalina in Fennoscandia and the British Isles.  Norwegian Journal of Botany.  24:2415-43.
Krohner J.  2021.  Genetic analysis & camera data for multiple species in Idaho from 2017-2019.  
Krol W., Bechard M.J.  1989.  Donnelly and Gold Fork bald eagle territory management plans, Cascade Reservoir, Idaho.  
Krol W..  1990.  Letter to IDFG providing nest records, maps, and photos regarding the Hurd Creek and Hait Ranch bald eagle nests near Cascade Reservoir.  
Kruckeberg A.R.  1961.  Artificial crosses of western North American Silenes.  Brittonia.  13:305-333.
Kruckeberg A.R.  1976.  RM-229. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.  American Fern Journal.  66(2):39-45.
Kruckeberg A.R.  2001.  History of rare plant conservation in the Pacific Northwest and some ideas on rarity. Pages 1-3 in S. H. Reichard, P. W. Dunwiddie, J. G. Gamon, A. R. Kruckeberg, and D. L. Salstrom, eds., Conservation of Washington's rare plants and ecosystems. Washingto.  
Kruckeberg A.R, Rabon D..  1985.  Biological aspects of endemism in higher plants.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  :447-479.
Kruckeberg A.R.  1986.  An essay: the stimulus of unusual geologies for plant speciation.  Systematic Botany.  11(3):455-463.
Kruckenberg A..  1993.  Letter dated 25 March to Karen Gray, Lochsa Ranger District botanist, regarding collections of Dasynotus daubenmirei collections at WTU.