Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Kruegar E..  0.  hecklist of wetland plants of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation.  
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Kumm J..  1995.  Table showing the results of a sharp-tailed grouse lek survey conducted by the Bureau of Land Management and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game on the Deep Creek Resource Area during the spring of 1994.  
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Kunkel K.E, Clark W.E, Servheen G..  1991.  A remote camera survey for grizzly bears in low human use areas of the Bitterroot grizzly bear evaluation area.  
Kuntz M.A, al et.  1994.  Geologic map of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and adjoining areas, eastern Idaho.  
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Kunz TH, Arnett EB, Cooper BM, Erickson WP, Larkin RP, Mabee T, Morrison ML, M. Strickland D, Szewczak JM.  2007.  Assessing impacts of wind-energy development on nocturnally active birds and bats: a guidance document.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(8):2449–2486.  Available from
Kunz TH, Reichard JD.  2010.  Status review of the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) and determination that immediate listing under the Endangered Species Act is scientifically and legally warranted.    Available from
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