Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Lynn Kinter to Jim Strickland on March 8, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta var crebrifolia herbaria specimen records.  
Kinter L, Strickland J.  2018.  Email correspondence regarding identification and correction of EO for Thyme-like Mesamint (Pogogyne serpylloides) specimen in Idaho.  
Kinter L..  2007.  Email correspondence regarding Carl Epling's collection notebook from 1925.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ, Pekas KM.  2014.  Habitat integrity and population monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2013.  
Kinter C.L, Mancuso M.  2009.  Email correspondences regarding Cryptantha breviflora.  
Kinter C.L.  2009.  Survey for Aase's Onion (Allium aaseae) in Camel's Back Park, Camel's Back Reserve, and Hulls Gulch Reserve, Boise, Idaho.  
Kinter L..  2007.  E-mail correspondence regarding Botrychium specimens.  
C. Kinter L, Fulkerson JR, Miller JJ, Clay DL.  2013.  Habitat integrity and population monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2012.  
Kinter L..  2007.  Email correspondence with John Kartesz concerning Botrychium lineare location.  
Kinter L, Corbin E, Strickland J.  2013.  Email correspondence and file attachments relating to Penstemon laxus occurrences in Idaho.  
C. Kinter L, Rosentreter R.  2016.  Personal Communication between Kinter and Rosentreter: Artemisia tridentata ssp. xericensis occurs in Idaho and Oregon.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2020.  Assessing, monitoring, & surveying Diluvialis (UTS LADIES'-TRESSES) at Chester Wetlands segment of Sand Creek Wildlife Management area: 2014 & 2018.  
C. Kinter L, Giblin D, Antonelli D, Strickland J.  2019.  Email correspondence and file attachments discussing Howellia aquatilis specimen collection by J. H. Sandberg (699) in Idaho.  
Kinter L.  2016.  Idaho process for ranking plants.  
Kinter L, Bjork C, Jennings L, Whitton J.  2014.  Coryphantha vivipara specimen at UBC is annotated to Pediocactus simpsonii.  
C. Kinter L, Clay D.L, Fulkerson J.R, Miller J.J.  2012.  Habitat Integrity and Population Monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass): 2011.  
Kinter C.L.  2009.  Email to Lisa Harloe regarding Cryptantha breviflora and C. sericea.  
Kinter L.  2014.  Idaho statutes pertaining to plants and Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Kinter L, Kartez J.  2012.  Personal Communication between Kinter and Kartez: No documented record of Sisyrinchium septentrionale in Idaho.  
Kinter L.  2018.  Idaho rare plant observation report and GIS shapefiles for Spiranthes diluvialis at Palisades Dam.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2020.  Field Assessment of Sensitive Plant Occurrences at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2016.  Assessment of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Element Occurrences.  
C. Kinter L.  2019.  A guide to the native milkweeds of Idaho. Boise (ID): Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Kinter L, Giblin D.  2014.  Coryphantha missouriensis specimen at WTU is annotated to Pediocactus simpsonii.  
C. Kinter L, Pekas KM, Miller JJ, Romin SJ.  2011.  Habitat Integrity and Population Monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass): 2010.