Bibliography and Citations

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Clark B.K, Clark B.S, Leslie, Jr. D.M, Gregory M.S.  1996.  Characteristics of caves used by the endangered big-eared bat.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  24(1):8-14.
Clark LG, Pohl RW.  1996.  Agnes Chase's first book of grasses: the structure of grasses explained for beginners. Edition Fourth Edition.   Smithsonian Institution Press.  
Clark WH, Bean B, Myers R.  2004.  Information request for clarification of certain listed snail occurrences in the middle Snake River, Idaho.  Middle Snake River Project.  
Clark R.G, Britton C.M.  1979.  A bibliography of bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.) annotated from 1967 to 1978.  
Clark R.G, Clark W.H.  2003.  The distribution of Ivesia rhypara (Rosaceae) along bedrock lineaments at the type locality, Leslie Gulch, Malheur County, Oregon.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  39(2):1-5.
Clark W.H.  1991.  Literature pertaining to the identification and distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates of the western U.S. with emphasis on Idaho.  
Clark D.  Submitted.  No description.  Clark, Dave. Craters of the Moon, P.O. Box 29, Arco, ID 83213..  
Clark R.G, Maret T.R.  1993.  Protocols for assessment of biotic integrity (macroinvertebrates) for wadable Idaho streams.  
Clark J.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Clark, Jim..  
Clark R.G, Blom P.E.  1992.  Sage thrasher predation on a mating swarm of the harvester ant.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  28:29-32.
Clark, Jr. H.O, Plumpton D.L.  2005.  A simple one-way door design for passive relocation of western burrowing owls.  California Fish and Game.  81(4):286-289.
Clark W.H.  2006.  Middle Snake River snail sampling results.  
Clark WH, Lester GT.  2005.  Range extension and ecological information for Orconectes virilis (Hagen 1870) (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in Idaho, USA.  Western North American Naturalist.  65(2):164-169.  Available from
Clark R.G, Peterson C.R.  1994.  Yearly variation in amphibian sampling on the Targhee National Forest.  
Clark L., Frye T.C.  1928.  Liverworts of the Northwest.  Publications of the Puget Sound Biological Station.  6:28-30.
Clark R.G, Weatherhead P.J..  1987.  Influence of population size on habitat use by territorial male red-winged blackbirds in agricultural landscapes.  Auk.  104:311-315.
Clair L.LSt., Johansen J.R, Rushforth S.R.  1993.  Lichens of soil crust communities in the intermountain area of the western United States.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(1):5-12.
Clair L.LSt., Johansen J.R, Rushforth S.R.  1993.  Lichens of soil crust communities in the intermountain area of the western United States.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(1):5-12.
City of Boise.  0.  Historical and rare trees of Boise.  
Cieminski K.L, Flake L.D.  1995.  Invertebrate fauna of wastewater ponds in southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(2):105-116.
Cicero C., Johnson N.K.  1995.  Speciation in sapsuckers (SPHYRAPICUS): III. Mitochondrial-DNA sequence divergence at the cytochrome-b locus.  Auk.  112:547-563.
Churchill SP, Kaul RB, Sutherland DM.  1976.  New and noteworthy plant records for Nebraska.  Southwestern Naturalist.  21(3):403-405.
Churchill S.P, Kaul R.B, Sutherland D.M.  1976.  New records of native and introduced plants from Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences.  3:32-36.
Churchfield S..  1990.  The natural history of shrews.
Church K.E, Sauer J.R, Droege S..  1993.  Population trends of quails in North America, eds., Quail III: national quail symposium.