Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Li P., Martin T.E.  1991.  Nest-site selection and nesting success of cavity-nesting birds in high elevation forest drainages.  Auk.  108:405-418.
Li P., Martin T.E.  1991.  Nest-site selection and nesting success of cavity-nesting birds in high elevation forest drainages.  Auk.  108:405-418.
McCallum D.A, Gehlbach F.R.  1988.  Nest-site preferences of flammulated owls in western New Mexico.  Condor.  90:653-661.
Squires J.R, Ruggiero L.F.  1996.  Nest-site preference of northern goshawks in southcentral Wyoming.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  60(1):170-177.
Milne K.A, Hejl S.J.  1989.  Nest-site characteristics of white-headed woodpeckers.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(1):50-55.
Belthoff JR, King R.A.  2002.  Nest-site characteristics of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho, and applications to artificial burrow installation.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(1):112-119.  Available from
Marks JS.  1986.  Nest-site characteristics and reproductive success of long-eared owls in southwestern Idaho.  Wilson Bulletin.  98(4):547-560.  Available from
Norment C.J..  1993.  Nest-site characteristics and nest predation in Harris' Sparrows and White-Crowned Sparrows in the Northwest Territories, Canada.  Auk.  110(4):769-777.
Norman F., Robertson F.J..  1975.  Nest-searching behavior in the Brown-headed Cowbird.  Auk.  92:610-611.
Roberts RP, Urbatsch LE, Neubig KM.  2005.  Nestotus and Toiyabea, two new genera of Asteraceae: Astereae from the western United States and Canada.  Sida.  21(3):1647-1655.
Fischer RA, Apa AD, Wakkinen WL, Reese KP, Connelly JW.  1993.  Nesting-area fidelity of sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  95(4):1038-1041.  Available from
Powers LR, Fulcher KR, Doramus JC.  1984.  Nesting tenacity of a hummingbird.  Murrelet.  65(2):53.
Frederick G.p, Collopy M.W.  1989.  Nesting success of five ciconiiform species in relation to water conditions in the Florida Everglades.  Auk.  106:625-634.
Frederick G.p, Collopy M.W.  1989.  Nesting success of five Ciconiiform species in relation to water conditions in the Florida Everglades.  Auk.  106:625-634.
Johnson N.K, Kermott L.H.  1994.  Nesting success of cavity-nesting birds using natural tree cavities.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  65(1):36-51.
Thurow TL, White CM.  1984.  Nesting success and prey selection of long-eared owls along a juniper/sagebrush ecotone in southcentral Idaho.  Murrelet.  65(1):10-14.
Leonard M.L, Picman J..  1987.  Nesting success and habitat selection by marsh wrens.  Auk.  104:491-495.
Cuthbert N.L.  1954.  A nesting study of the black tern in Michigan.  Auk.  71:36-63.
Salt W.R.  1966.  A nesting study of Spizella pallida.  Auk.  83:274-281.
Chen Y, Hansen LD, Brown JJ.  2002.  Nesting sites of the carpenter ant, Camponotus vicinus (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in northern Idaho.  Environmental Entomology.  31(6):1037-1042.  Available from
Ingold D.J.  1989.  Nesting phenology and competition for nest sites among red-headed and red-bellied woodpeckers and European starlings.  Auk.  106:209-217.
Meanley B..  1943.  Nesting of the upland plover in Baltimore County, Maryland.  Auk.  60:603.
Reynolds T.D..  1983.  Nesting of the sage thrasher, sage sparrow, and Brewer's sparrow in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  83:61-64.
Reynolds T.D..  1981.  Nesting of the sage thrasher, sage sparrow, and Brewer's sparrow in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  83:61-64.
Steenhof K., Kockert M.N, Doremus J.H.  1983.  Nesting of subadult golden eagles in southwestern Idaho.  Auk.  100(3):743-747.  Available from