Bibliography and Citations

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Tibell L..  1976.  The genus Thelomma.  Botaniska Notiser.  129:221-249.
Vitt D.H, Andrus R.E.  1977.  The genus Sphagnum in Alberta.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  55:331-357.
Larson G.E, Barker W.T.  1978.  The genus Salix in North Dakota. 32.  
Krog H., James. P.W.  1977.  The genus Ramalina in Fennoscandia and the British Isles.  Norwegian Journal of Botany.  24:2415-43.
Denning D.G.  1970.  The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Canadian Entomologist.  102(1):15-30.  Available from
Kelso S..  1992.  The genus Primula as a model for evolution in the Alaskan flora.  Arctic and Alpine Research.  24(1):82-87.
Hong WS.  1983.  The genus Porella in North America west of the Hundredth Meridian.  Bryologist.  86(2):143-155.
Jahns H.M.  1981.  The genus Pilophorus.  Mycotaxon.  8(2):289-330.
Wherry E.T.  1955.  The genus Phlox.  Morris Arboretum Monographs.  III:174pp..
Porter C.L.  1956.  The genus Peteria (Leguminosae).  Rhodora.  58:344-354.
American Ornithologists' Union.  1957.  Genus OreortyxCheck. Fifth Edition.  
Johnsgard P.A.  1988.  Genus Oreortyx Baird 1858.  
Peters J.L.  1934.  Genus Oreortyx Baird.  
Ridgway R..  1887.  Genus Oreortyx Baird.
Ridgway R., Friedmann H..  1946.  Genus Oreortyx Baird. 50.  
American Ornithologists' Union.  1910.  Genus Oreortyx. Third Edition (revised).  
American Ornithologists' Union.  1931.  Genus Oreortyx. Fourth Edition.  
[Anonymous].  1983.  Genus Oreortyx. Edition Sixth.  Washington (D.C.): American Ornithologists' Union.   p. 148.
Baumann RW, Stark BP.  2013.  The genus Megaleuctra Neave (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) in North America.  Illiesia.  9(6):65-93.  Available from
Jordan W.P.  1973.  The genus Lobaria in North America north of Mexico.  Bryologist.  76(2):225-251.
D. Rogers C.  2006.  A genus level revision of the Thamnocephalidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Zootaxa.  1260:1-25.  Available from
Rollins R.C., Shaw EA.  1973.  The genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America.
Hitchcock C.L.  1936.  The genus lepidium in the United States.  Madrono.  3:265-320.
Szczytko SW, Stewart KW.  1979.  The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of western North America; holomorphology and systematics, and a new stonefly genus Cascadoperla. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society.  No. 32.  Roback SS, editor. Philadelphia (PA): The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences.    Available from
Denning D.G.  1964.  The genus Homophylax (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  57(2):253–260.  Available from