Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Ertter B..  1980.  A revision of the genus Oxytheca Nutt. (Polygonaceae).  Brittonia.  32(1):70-102.
Mathias M.E.  1938.  A revision of the genus Lomatium.  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  25:225-297.
Gentry J.L, Carr R.L.  1976.  A revision of the genus Hackelia (Boraginaceae) in North America, north of Mexico.  Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden.  26(1):121-227.
Allen RK, Edmunds, Jr. GF.  1961.  A revision of the Genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) II. The subgenus Caudatella.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  54(4):603-612.
Constance L..  1938.  A revision of the genus Douglasia.  American Midland Naturalist.  19:249-259.
Allen A.W, Edmunds, Jr. G.F.  1976.  A revision of the Genus Ametropus in North America (Ephemeroptera: Ametropididae).  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  49(4):625-635.
Wiggins GB, Weaver, III JS, Unzicker JD.  1985.  Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae (Trichoptera).  Canadian Entomologist.  117(06):763-800.
Soltis D.E.  1991.  A revision of Sullivantia (Saxifragaceae).  Brittonia.  43(1):27-53.
Sinnott Q.P.  1985.  A revision of Ribes L. subg. Grossularia (Mill.) Pers. sect. Grossularia (Mill.) Nutt. (Grossulariaceae) in North America.  Rhodora.  87:189-286.
Schuh RT.  2004.  Revision of Europiella Reuter in North America, with the description of a new genus (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae).  American Museum Novitates.  3463:1-58.  Available from
Higgins LC.  1971.  A revision of Cryptantha subgenus Oreocarya.  Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series.  8(4):1-63.
Schwartz MD.  2011.  Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the North American genus Slaterocoris Wagner with new synonymy, the description of five new species and a new genus from Mexico, and a review of the genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae).  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.  354:290.  Available from
Forero D.  2008.  Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Hadronema Group (Miridae, Orthotylinae, Orthotylini), with descriptions of new genera and new species, and comments on the Neotropical genus Tupimiris.  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.  312:172.  Available from
Benson L..  Submitted.  A revision and amplification of Pediocactus.  Cactus and Succulent Journal.  volume unknown
Pogue MG, Harp CE.  2003.  Revised status of Schinia unimacula Smith including morphological comparisons with Schinia obliqua Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae).  Zootaxa.  226(1):1-8.  Available from
Pogue MG.  2001.  Revised status of Rolandylis Gibeaux (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Cochylini), with descriptions of two new species from North America.  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  103(4):788-796.  Available from
Manuel MG.  1974.  A revised classification of the Leucodontaceae and a revision of the subfamily Alisiodeae.  Bryologist.  77:149-165.
Bradley RD, Ammerman LK, Baker RJ, Bradley LC, Cook JA, Dowler RC, Jones C, Schmidly DJ, Stangl, Jr. FB, Van Den Bussche RA et al..  2014.  Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico, 2014.  Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.  327:1-27.  Available from
Jones C., Hoffmann R.S, Rice D.W, Engstrom M.D, Bradley R.D, Schmidly D.J, Jones C.A, Baker R.J.  1997.  Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico, 1997.  Museum of Texas Tech University Occasional Papers.  173:1-19.
Hayward GD, Hayward PH, Garton EO, Escano R.  1987.  Revised breeding distribution of the boreal owl in the northern Rocky Mountains.  Condor.  89(2):431-432.  Available from
Zaspel J.M, Weller S.J, Cardé R.T.  2008.  A review of Virbia (formerly Holomelina) of America north of Mexico (Arctiidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini).  Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History.  48(3):59-118.  Available from
Neson G.L.  1994.  Review of the taxonomy of Aster sensu lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), emphasizing the new world species.  Phytologia.  77(3):141-297.
Graf DL, Cummings KS.  2007.  Review of the systematics and global diversity of freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida).  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  73(4):291–314.
Basch P.F.  1963.  A review of the recent freshwater limpet snails of North America (Mollusca: Pulmonata).  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology.  129(8):399-461.
Van Rossem A.J.  1937.  A review of the races of the mountain quail.  Condor.  39(1):20-24.  Available from