Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Letter to Kathy Strickland, SAIC, regarding the second field visit to locate the Idaho dunes tiger beetle on Saylor Creek Bombing Range.  
Klott J..  1995.  Letter to the Conservation Data Center presenting 1995 monitoring results of ferruginous hawk nest sites on the Jarbidge Resource Area.  
Budy P., Luecke C, Wurtsbaugh WA, Gross H.P, Gubala C..  1995.  Limnology of Sawtooth Valley Lakes with respect to potential growth of juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon.  Northwest Science.  69(2):133-150.
Bursik R.J.  1995.  List of aquatic flora for 41 sites in Idaho.  
Meitl J..  1995.  List of U. S. Fish and Wildlife, Boise Field Office, Section 7 (ESA) consultations involving federally listed snail species; list current to 11 October 1995.  
Copeland J.P, Cesar E., Peek J.M, Harris C.E, Long C.D, Hunter D.L.  1995.  A live trap for wolverine and other forest carnivores.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  23(3):535-538.
Storz J.F.  1995.  Local distribution and foraging behavior of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in northwestern Colorado and adjacent Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(1):78-83.
Patla D.A, Trost C.H.  1995.  Location of goshawk nest sites in relation to riparian areas in the Centennial Mountains, northeastern Idaho, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):44.
Fleury B.E, Sherry T.W..  1995.  Long-term population trends of colonial wading birds in the southern United States: the impact of crayfish aquaculture on Louisiana populations.  Auk.  112:613-632.
Johnson C.A.  1995.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei). Unpublished draft report.  
McCune B., Goward T..  1995.  Macrolichens of the Northern Rocky Mountains.
Dobkin D.S.  1995.  Management and conservation of sage grouse, denominative species for the ecological health of shrubsteppe ecosystems.  
Owen W..  1995.  [Memo to Conservation Data Center]. Taxanomic changes for subalpine fir (you say lasiocarpa, I say bifolia...).  
Taylor-Grant N..  1995.  Memorandum regarding Lepidium davisii (LEDA) status resulting from Bruneau Resource Area 1995 "water rights" survey.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Memorandum regarding Ute ladies'-tresses orchid Recovery and Section 7 Consultation.  
Taylor-Grant N..  1995.  Memorandum to Michael Mancuso addressing areas in the Cascade Resource Area surveyed for Haplopappus radiatus.  
Schueck L.S, Marzluff J.M, Vekasy M..  1995.  Migration routes and winter ranges of golden eagles.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):72-73.
Office of Migratory Bird Management, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.  1995.  Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the united states: the 1995 list.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the United States: the 1995 list.  
Meinke R.J.  1995.  Mimulus evanescens (Scrophulariceae): a new annual species from the northern Great Basin.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(3):249-257.
Morris RC, Anderson RC, Earl S, McCurry M, Pearson L.  1995.  A mineral and biotic survey of two caves at Craters of the Moon National Monument.  : ESRF-008.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Miscellaneous herptile habitat suitability models in draft form; authors unknown.  
Ramey R.R.  1995.  Mitochondrial DNA variation, population structure, and evolution of mountain sheep in the south-western United States and Mexico.  Molecular Ecology.  4:429-439.
Busing R.T, Spies T.A.  1995.  Modeling the population dynamics of Pacific yew.  
Riddle B.R.  1995.  Molecular biogeography in the pocket mice (PEROGNATHUS and CHAETODIPUS) and grasshopper mice (ONYCHOMYS): the late Cenozoic development of a North American aridlands rodent.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:283-301.