Bibliography and Citations

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Mansfield D.H, Miyasaki H..  1993.  Analysis of the habitat requirements of Primula alcalina.  
Mansfield D.H.  1993.  The status of Primula wilcoxiana and the Primula cusickii complex in Southwestern Idaho.  
Mansfield D..  1999.  Final report of riparian graminoid survey for Vale District BLM.  
Mansfield D.H.  2000.  Flora of Steens Mountain.
Mansfield DH.  2014.  National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) Owyhee Flora Survey, Project BPS #55234 (2013): Final Report.  
Mansfield D.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Mansfield, Don..  
Mansfield D.  2016.  Email correspondence and file attachments of Idaho Rare Plant Observation Reports for 2015.  
Mansfield DH, Stevens M, Polito L, Smith JF, Darrach M.  2016.  Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho.  Phytoneuron.  2016-74:13.  Available from
Mansfield D.  2016.  The discovery of Monardella angustifolia at Leslie Gulch.  Sage Notes.  
Manning R.W, Jones, Jr. J.K.  1989.  Myotis evotis.  Mammalian Species.  329:1-5.
Mann RM, Hyne RV, Choung CB, Wilson SP.  2009.  Amphibians and agricultural chemicals: review of the risks in a complex environment.  Environmental Pollution.  157(11):2903-2927.  Available from
Mangum F.A.  1990.  Aquatic ecosystem inventory: macroinvertebrate analysis.  
Mangel M., Tier C..  1994.  Four factors every conservation biologist should know about persistence.  Ecology.  75(3):607-614.
Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1993.  Report on the conservation status of Astragalus yoder-williamsii in Idaho.  
Mancuso M..  1990.  Special Plant Survey forms for work done on the Salmon NF, summer 1990.  
Mancuso M., Miller J..  2003.  Monitoring Mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) on the Owyhee Front: 2003 results.  
Mancuso M., Murphy C., Cooke S.  2003.  Field investigation for Idaho BLM special status plant species within the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area.  
Mancuso M., Shepherd J..  2008.  A summary of long term monitoring results for MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei), a threatened plant species in Idaho and Oregon.  prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office, Boise, ID.  
Mancuso M, Lehman R.  2019.  Establishing GLORIA in the Lemhi Mountains, Idaho, for Long-Term Monitoring of Alpine Vegetation.  
Mancuso M..  2007.  Email to Lynn Kinter, IDFG, regarding Sleeping Deer Mountain Hackelia.  
Mancuso M..  1996.  Field notes for Hixon Sharptail site (S.USIDHP*123).  
Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1990.  Field investigation of Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. montanus, a Region 4 sensitive species, on the Targhee National Forest.  
Mancuso M..  1993.  Handwritten notes from Mancuso's visit to the US Herbarium library on March 22, 1993.  
Mancuso M., Kinter L..  2007.  Monitoring control of smooth brome (Bromus inermis) within the Christ's Indian paintbrush (Castilleja christii) population at Mount Harrison, Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho.  
Mancuso M..  2001.  Monitoring habitat integrity for Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2000 results.