Bibliography and Citations

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Peterson SR.  1982.  A preliminary survey of forest bird communities in northern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  56(4):287-298.
Peterson EB, Greene DM, McCune B, Peterson ET, Hutten MA, Weisberg P, Rosentreter R.  1998.  Sulcaria badia, a rare lichen in Western North America.  Bryologist.  101(1):112-115.
Peterson K.L, Best L.B.  1987.  Territory dynamics in a sage sparrow population: are shifts in site use adaptive? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  21:351-358.
Peterson E.4. Lichen.  2004.  Lichen conservation in the United States and Canada.  Lingua Botanica.  5(3):6-10.
Peterson C.R, Annable C.R.  1988.  Noteworthy collections.  Madrono.  9:358.
Peterson A.T.  1992.  Phylogeny and rates of molecular evolution in the APHELOCOMA jays (Corvidae).  Auk.  109:133-147.
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1987.  Territory dynamics in a sage sparrow population: are shifts in site use adaptive? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  21(6):351-358.
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1986.  Diets of nestling sage sparrows and Brewer's sparrows in an Idaho sagebrush community.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  57(4):283-294.  Available from
Petersen KLee.  1982.  Breeding ecology of passerine birds in a sagebrush-dominated community.  :66pp..
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1987.  Effects of prescribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush community.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  15(3):317-329.  Available from
Petersen K.L, Best. L.B.  1991.  Nest-site selection by sage thrashers in southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  51(3):261-266.
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1985.  Brewer's sparrow nest-site characteristics in a sagebrush community.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  56(1):23-27.  Available from
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1985.  Nest-site selection by sage sparrows.  Condor.  87(2):217-221.  Available from
Peters R.L.  1988.  Effects of global warming on species and habitats: An overview.  Endangered Species Update.  5(7):1-8.
Peters RL, Darling JDS.  1985.  The greenhouse effect and nature reserves.  Bioscience.  35(11):707-717.
Peters J.L.  1934.  Genus Oreortyx Baird.  
Perrin W.G, Evans G.R.  0.  Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge: special report on soil survey and range site and condition survey.  
Perrill S.A, Daniel R.E.  1983.  Multiple egg clutches in HYLA REGILLA, H. CINEREA, and H. GRATIOSA.  Copeia.  1983:513-516.
J. Perkins M, Peterson JR.  1997.  Bat distribution in the juniper woodlands of the Idaho Owyhee Mountains: summer 1996.    Available from
Perkins J.M.  2001.  Survey results and management recommendations for selected mines of the Panhandle National Forest.  
Perkins J.M.  1988.  A proposal to monitor present populations and survey for additional roost sites of Plecotus townsendii on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Submitted to the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.  
Perkins D.  2017.  BLM whitebark pine data 2010 to 2014.  
Perkins D.  2012.  Pinus albicaulis point and plot data provided by Dana Perkins to Sonya Knetter.  :188records.
Perkins D, Kinter L, Strickland J.  2016.  Email correspondence regarding whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) data on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in Idaho.  
Perkins J.M.  1994.  Results of summer bat surveys: Wallowa Valley Ranger District, Eagle Cap Ranger District, and the HCNRA of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Wallowa County, Oregon, Summer 1994.