Bibliography and Citations

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Couch R., Nelson E..  1991.  The exotic Myriophyllums of North America.  
Coues E..  1874.  Mountain quail of California-Oreortyx pictus.  
Coues E..  1903.  Oreortyx. The Fifth Edition, Volume II.  
Coulter M.C, Bryan, Jr. AL.  1995.  Factors affecting reproductive success of wood storks (MYCTERIA AMERICANA) in east-central Georgia.  Auk.  112:237-243.
Coupe R., Ray C.A, Comeau A., Ketcheson M.V, Annas R.M.  1982.  A guide to some common plants of the Skeena Area, British Columbia.  
Courtois R, Gingras A, Fortin D, Sebbane A, Rochette B, Breton L.  2008.  Demographic and behavioural response of woodland caribou to forest harvesting.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  38(11):2837-2849.
Cousens M.I.  1973.  Reproductive biology and autecology of Blechnum spicant.  Dissertation Abstracts International.  34/08-B:3672.
Cousens M.I.  1973.  Reproductive biology and autecology of Blechnum spicant.  :140p..
Cousens M.I.  1981.  Blechnum spicant: habitat and vigor of optimal, marginal, and disjunct populations, and field observations of gametophytes.  Botanical Gazette.  142(2):251-258.
Cousins K, Antonelli DS.  2008.  2007 vegetation monitoring and evaluation study: Pend Oreille Wildlife Management Areas, Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Project. Interim Report.  
Cousins K, Antonelli DS.  2008.  2007 vegetation monitoring and evaluation study: Boundary Creek Wildlife Management Area, Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Project.  
Cowardin LM, Carter V, Golet FC, LaRoe ET.  1979.  Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States.    Available from
Cowin T.B.  0.  Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) in southwestern Oregon.  Cowin, T. B. No Date. Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) in southwestern Oregon. Oregon State University, Corvallis. Not paged..  
Cox M, Lutz DW, Wasley T, Fleming M, Compton BB, Keegan TW, Stroud D, Kilpatrick S, Gray K, Carlson J et al..  2009.  Habitat guidelines for mule deer: Intermountain West ecoregion.    Available from
Cox B.J.  1974.  A biosystematic revision of Lupinus lyallii.  Rhodora.  76:423-445.
Cox B..  1973.  The subspecies of Lupinus culbertsonii and L. cusickii.  Madrono.  22:170-176.
Coxson D.S, Harris G.P, Kershaw K.A.  1982.  Physiological-environmental interactions in lichens. XV. Contrasting gas exchange patterns between a lichenized and non-lichenized terrestrial Nostoc cyanophyte.  New Phyotologist.  92:561-572.
Crabtree C.B, Buth D.G.  1987.  Biochemical systematics of the catostomid genus CATOSTOMUS: assessment of C. CLARKI, C. PLEBEIUS, and C. DISCOBOLUS including the Zuni sucker, C. D. YARROWI.  Copeia.  1987:843-854.
Craig E.H, Craig T.H, Powers LR.  1988.  Activity patterns and home-range use of nesting long-eared owls.  Wilson Bulletin.  100(2):204-213.  Available from
Craig T., Craig T..  1988.  The status and distribution of the merlin in selected areas of Idaho.  
Craig TH, Halford DK, Markham O.D.  1979.  Radionuclide concentrations in nestling raptors near nuclear facilities.  Wilson Bulletin.  91(1):72-77.  Available from
Craig T..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Craig, Tim..  
Craig G.  1986.  Peregrine falcon. Audubon Wildlife Report 1986.  Di Silvestro RL, editor. New York: National Audubon Society.   p. 807-824.
Craig T., Craig T..  1996.  Population trends of Salmon twin bladderpod, Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata. 1991-1995.  
Craig T.H.  1979.  The raptors of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site.