Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States

Publication Type:



U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Issue Reprinted 1992, Washington, DC, p.131 (1979)

Call Number:




SWAP, wetlands classification


Wetlands and deepwater habitats are essential breeding, rearing, and feeding grounds for many species of fish and wildlife. They may also perform important flood protection and pollution control funtions . Increasing national and international recognition of these values has intensified the need for reliable information on the status and extent of wetland resources. To develop comparable information over large areas, a clear definition and classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats is required. The classification system contained in this report was developed by wetland ecologists, with the assistance of many private individuals and organizations and local, State, and Federal agencies. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service believes that this system will provide a suitable basis for information gathering for most scientific, educational, and administrative purposes (and is officially adopting the system); however, it will not fit all needs. For instance, historical or potentially restorable wetlands are not included in this system, nor was the system designed to accommodate all the requirements of the many recently passed wetland statutes . No attempt was made to define the proprietary or jurisdictional boundaries of Federal, State, or local agencies. Nevertheless, the basic design of the classification system and the resulting data base should assist substantially in the administration of these programs. This report represents the most current methodology available for wetland classification and culminates a long-term effort involving many wetland scientists. Although it may require revision from time to time, it will serve us well in the years ahead. We hope all wetland personnel in all levels of government and the private sector come to know it and use it for the ultimate benefit of America's wetlands.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Cowardin LM, Carter V, Golet FC, LaRoe ET. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. Washington (DC): US Fish and Wildlife Service. [accessed 2016 Jan 6].