Bibliography and Citations

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Connelly JW, Gates RJ.  1981.  First record of a black-legged kittiwake in Idaho.  Condor.  83:272-273.  Available from
Connelly J.  2001.  Save an ecosystem.  Sage Notes.  23(2):3-5.
Connelly J.W, Ball I.J.  1978.  The ecology of sage grouse on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site.  
Connelly JW, Knick ST, Schroeder MA, Stiver SJ.  2004.  Conservation assessment of greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats.    Available from
Connelly JW, Schroeder MA, Sands AR, Braun CE.  2000.  Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  28(4):967-985.  Available from
Conner RN.  1981.  Seasonal changes in woodpecker foraging patterns.  Auk.  98(3):562-570.  Available from
Conner RN.  1977.  The effect of tree hardness on woodpecker nest entrance orientation.  Auk.  94(2):369-370.  Available from
Conner RN, Hooper RG, Crawford HS, Mosby HS.  1975.  Woodpecker nesting habitat in cut and uncut woodlands in Virginia.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  39(1):144-150.
Conner RN.  1975.  Orientation of entrances to woodpecker nest cavities.  Auk.  92(2):371-374.  Available from
Connors P.G.  1983.  Taxonomy, distribution, and evolution of golden plovers (PLUVIALIS DOMINICA and PLUVIALIS FULVA).  Auk.  100:607-620.
Connors P.G, McCaffery B.J, Marion J.L.  1993.  Speciation in golden-plovers, PLUVIALIS DOMINICA and P. FULVA: evidence from the breeding grounds.  Auk.  110:9-20.
Conroy M.J.  1992.  RAMAS/Space: Spatially Structured Population Models for Conservation Biology.  Conservation Biology.  67:252-253.
Conroy C.J, Cook J.A.  Submitted.  Molecular systematics of a Holarctic rodent (MICROTUS: Muridae).  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:344-359.
Conservancy TNature.  1999.  1999 Species report card. The State of Colorado's plants and animals.  
Conservancy TNature.  1999.  Project information for Busterback Ranch.  
Conservancy TNature.  0.  Natural Heritage Network. [n.d.]. General criteria used to assign global, national and state ranks to species.  
Conservancy TNature.  1993.  Riverine forest bibliography.  
Conservancy TNature.  1997.  Conservation by design: a framework for mission success.  
Conservancy TNature.  1992.  Element stewardship abstract for Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed).  
Conservancy TNature.  1998.  TNC projects in Idaho, April 1998.  
Conservancy TNature.  1996.  Garden Creek Ranch, a project of The Nature Conservancy of Idaho, year end review FY96.  
Conservation Data Center.  1994.  Rare, threatened, and endangered plants and animals of Idaho. Third edition.  
Conservation Data Center.  1992.  Rare plant and community ecology reports: 1985-1992.  
Conservation Measures Partnership(CMP), Sitka Technology Group.  2013.  Miradi Adaptive Management Software for Conservation Projects.    Available from
Conservation Measures Partnership(CMP).  2013.  Open standards for the practice of conservation. Version 3.0 / April 2013.    Available from