Open standards for the practice of conservation. Version 3.0 / April 2013

Publication Type:



Conservation Measures Partnership, [Place unknown], p.47 (2013)

Call Number:




Conservation, standards, SWAP


To meet the needs of the biodiversity conservation community in tackling large and complex problems, the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP) has worked over the past decade to combine principles and best practices in adaptive management and results-based management from conservation and other fields to create the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation (Open Standards or Standards, hereafter). The Open Standards bring together common concepts, approaches, and terminology in conservation project design, management, and monitoring in order to help practitioners improve the practice of conservation. We have developed these Open Standards so that they can be applied at any geographic, temporal, or programmatic scale. The Open Standards are organized into a five-step project management cycle: STEP 1, Conceptualize the Project Vision and Context. STEP 2, Plan Actions and Monitoring. STEP 3, Implement Actions and Monitoring. STEP 4, Analyze Data, Use the Results, and Adapt. STEP 5, Capture and Share Learning. These Open Standards are designed to provide colleagues in respective organizations—and across the conservation landscape—with a clear roadmap to help them maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of their projects. In addition, these standards help clarify what needs to be done in order to achieve quality project management, thus providing a transparent basis for a structured approach to the evaluation (both internal and external) of actions. Finally, it is hoped that these standards will promote and facilitate greater collaboration among conservation organizations—an essential ingredient if we are to be successful in achieving our goals and objectives.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
[CMP] Conservation Measures Partnership. 2013. Open standards for the practice of conservation. Version 3.0 / April 2013. Conservation Measures Partnership. [accessed 2014 Feb 20].

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