Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Idaho Cave Survey.  2005.  2005 Idaho Cave Survey field report.  
Quinney D..  2005.  2005 Lepidium papilliferum technical team report, IDARNG.  
[Anonymous].  2005.  2005 Slickspot Peppergrass New Information Report.  
Candidate Conservation Agreement.  2005.  2005 slickspot peppergrass new information report.  
Ferguson J.  2005.  2005 winter, lek, and raptor survey results for Grasmere and Juniper Butte emitter sites.  
Wakkinen W..  2005.  2005 woodland caribou census: south Selkirk Mountains.  
Carstens B.C, Degenhardt J.D, Stevenson A.L, Sullivan J..  2005.  Accounting for coalescent stochasticity in testing phylogeographical hypotheses: modelling Pleistocene population structure in the Idaho giant Salamander Dicamptodon aterrimus.  Molecular Ecology.  14(1):255-265.  Available from
W. F. Barr Entomological Museum.  2005.  Acrididae holdings.  
W. F. Barr Entomological Museum.  2005.  Acrididae holdings.  
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc..  2005.  Amphibian and reptile survey report for Blackfoot Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement, final.  
Gamett B.L, Bartel J.A, Pyron J.C.  2005.  Amphibian occurrence and distribution on the Lost River Ranger District, Salmon-Challis National Forest.  
Corn PStephen, Adams MJ, Battaglin WA, Gallant AL, James DL, Knutson M, Langtimm CA, Sauer JR.  2005.  Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: concepts and implementation.    Available from
Palazzo A.J, Lichvar R.W, Cary T.J, Bashore T.L.  2005.  An analysis of the seed bank of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass).  
GYE/Idaho Bald Eagle Research Project.  2005.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 2005: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Zone 18.  
Sanchez D..  2005.  Annual research summary.  
Meyer S.E.  2005.  Are recent declines in Lepidium papilliferum numbers on the Orchard Training Area within the natural range of weather related variability?
Moroge M.  2005.  Avian observational survey of Mountain Home Air Force Base.  
Rust S.K, Hardman A.C, Russell M.C, Miller J.J.  2005.  Baseline and stewardship monitoring on Sawtooth National Forest research natural areas - 2004 field season.  
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc..  2005.  Bat survey report for Blackfoot Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement, final.  
Hendricks P, Maxell BA.  2005.  Bat surveys on USFS Northern Region lands in Montana: 2005.    Available from
Koford R.R, Jain A., Zenner G., Hancock A..  2005.  Bird and bat mortality associated with the top of Iowa wind farm.  
Bureau of Land Management.  2005.  Boise, BLM fiscal year 2005 CCA implementation measure accomplishments.  
Hogrefe TC, Bailey CL, Thompson PD, Nadolski B.  2005.  Boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas) conservation plan in the State of Utah.    Available from
Mancuso M..  2005.  Botany reports: Astragalus mulfordiae monitoring, Stanleya confertiflora monitoring, Astragalus vexiflexis monitoring, Salmon BLM, and Medicine Lodge Creek.  
Johnson, Jr. CGrier, Swanson DK.  2005.  Bunchgrass plant communities of the Blue and Ochoco Mountains: a guide for managers.    Available from