Bibliography and Citations

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[Anonymous].  Submitted.  An online submission of a rare plant observation.  Observations file. An online submission of a rare plant observation..  
Erikson O..  2002.  Ontogenetic niche shifts and their implications for recruitment in three clonal Vaccinium shrubs: Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Vaccinium oxycoccos.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  80:635-641.
Conservation Measures Partnership(CMP).  2013.  Open standards for the practice of conservation. Version 3.0 / April 2013.    Available from
[Anonymous].  1986.  Operational report, the Peregrine Fund, Inc.  
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Joseph LN, Maloney RF, Possingham HP.  2009.  Optimal allocation of resources among threatened species: a project prioritization protocol.  Conservation Biology.  23(2):328–338.  Available from
Marsh H, Dennis A, Hines H, Kutt A, McDonald K, Weber E, Williams S, Winter J.  2007.  Optimizing allocation of management resources for wildlife.  Conservation Biology.  21(2):387-399.  Available from
Goodspeed G.E.  1942.  Orbicular rock from Buffalo Hump, Idaho.  American Minerals.  27:37-47.
Gorham J.R.  1976.  Orchid pollination by Aedes mosquitoes in Alaska.  American Midland Naturalist.  95(1):208-210.
Rossi W..  2002.  Orchidee d'Italia. Quaderni di Conservazione della Natura, Numero 15. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica "Alessandro Ghigi", Italy.
Koopowitz H.  2001.  Orchids and their conservation. Portland (OR): Timber Press.  
Culberson CF, Culberson WLouis, Johnson A.  1985.  Orcinol-type depsides and depsidones in the lichens of the Cladonia chlorophaea group (Ascomycotina, Cladoniaceae).  Bryologist.  88(4):380-387.
Defenders of Wildlife.  1998.  Oregon's living landscape. Strategies and opportunities to conserve biodiversity.  
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Wyman L.E.  1912.  Oreortyx in Idaho.  Auk.  29(4):538-539.  Available from
Grinnell J., Miller A.H.  1944.  Oreortyx picta palmeri.   Available from
Grinnell J., Dixon J.S, Linsdale J.M.  1930.  Oreortyx picta picta.
Grinnell J.  1915.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. A Distributional list of birds of California.  11, Pacific Coast Avifauna.  Hollywood (CA): Cooper Ornithological Club.   p. 58-59.
Grinnell J., Swarth H.S.  1913.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. An account of the birds and mammals of the San Jacinto area of southern California; with remarks upon the behavior of geographic races on the margins of their habitats.  10, University of California Publications in Zoology.  Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 228-232.  Available from
Burleigh T.D.  1972.  Oreortyx pictus pictus (Douglas): mountain quail.
Rich T.D..  1985.  The organization and structure of sage sparrow song: locatability, distance transmission, and contrast.  
Findholt SL, Trost CH.  1985.  Organochlorine pollutants, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of black-crowned night-herons in Idaho, 1979.  Colonial Waterbirds.  8(1):32-41.
Findholt SL.  1984.  Organochlorine residues, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of snowy egrets nesting in Idaho.  Condor.  86(2):163-169.  Available from
Chapman J.A.  1971.  Orientation and homing of the brush rabbit (SYLVILAGUS BACHMANI).  Journal of Mammalogy.  52:686-699.
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