Bibliography and Citations

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Culver DC, Master LL, Christman MC, Hobbs, III HH.  2000.  Obligate cave fauna of the 48 contiguous United States.  Conservation Biology.  14(2):386-401.
Hlavaty L..  1987.  Observation report form for long-billed curlew.  
Moseley R..  1987.  Observation reports for summer of 1987 for a variety of plants.  
Irwin JJ.  2014.  Observations - a floristic inventory of east-central Idaho, U.S.A..  :155records.
Mathis M..  2001.  Observations and monitoring within the Owyhee Field Office 2001.  
Bakus G.J.  1959.  Observations in the life history of the dipper in Montana.  Auk.  76:90-207.
Backus G.J..  1959.  Observations in the life history of the dipper in Montana.  Auk.  76(2):690-207.
Van Daele L.J, Van Daele H.A.  1980.  Observations of breeding bald eagles in Idaho.  Murrelet.  61:108-110.
Storer R.W.  1961.  Observations of pellet-casting by horned and pied-billed grebes.  Auk.  78:70-72.
Elzinga C..  1990.  Observations of Penstemon lemhiensis on Salmon NF, Cobalt RD.  
Woodsworth G.C, Bell G.P, Fenton M.B.  1981.  Observations of the echolocation, feeding behavior, and habitat use of Euderma maculatum (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southcentral British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  59(6):1099-1102.
Gates RJ.  1985.  Observations of the formation of a sage grouse lek.  Wilson Bulletin.  97(2):219-221.  Available from
Gamett B.  2018.  Observations of western pearlshell mussel on the Salmon–Challis National Forest [Excel spreadsheet and small map].  
Garber C.S, Mutch B.D, Platt S..  1993.  Observations of wintering gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) hunting sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Wyoming and Montana U.S.A.  Journal of Raptor Research.  27:169-171.
Branson B.A, Sisk M.E, McCoy C.J.  1966.  Observations on and distribution of some western and southwestern mollusks.  Veliger.  9:145-151.
Libby W.L.  Submitted.  Observations on beaver movements in Alaska.  Journal of Mammalogy.  38:269.
Ottenbacher M.J, Hepworth D.K, Berg L.N.  1994.  Observations on double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) at sportfishing waters in southwestern Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54:272-286.
D. Rogers C, Rogers ECL.  2004.  Observations on feeding behavior in western North American tiger beetles (Coleoptera).  Cicindela.  36(1-2):17-21.
Einarsen A.S.  1955.  Observations on quail behavior.  Murrelet.  36(2):18-21.
Johnson DR, Miller DR.  1979.  Observations on reproduction of mountain caribou.  Northwest Science.  53(2):114-117.
Douglas D.  1829.  Observations on some species of the genera Tetrao and Ortyx, natives of North America; with descriptions of four new species of the former, and two of the latter genus.  Transactions of the Linnean Society of London.  16(1):133-149.  Available from
Ligon J.D.  1968.  Observations on Strickland's woodpecker, Dendrocopos stricklandi.  Condor.  70(1):83-84.  Available from
Oring LW.  1962.  Observations on the birds of southeastern Idaho.  Murrelet.  43(3):40-50.
Hohn E.O..  1967.  Observations on the breeding biology of Wilson's Phalaropes in central Alberta.  Auk.  84:220-244.
Bauer K.L.  1989.  Observations on the developmental biology of Cicindela arenicola Rumpp (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).  :33pp.