Bibliography and Citations

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Hauk W.D, Haufler. C.H.  1999.  Isozyme variability among cryptic species of Botrychium subgenus Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  86(5):614-633.
Pryer K.M, Haufler C.H.  1993.  Isozymic and chromosomal evidence for the allotetraploid origin of Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae).  Systematic Botany.  18(1):150-172.
[Anonymous].  2015.  ITIS, Integrated Taxonomic Information System.    Available from
Idaho Statesman.  1994.  It's final. Wolves will return to Yellowstone.  Idaho Statesman.  41133
Pruett CL, Patten MA, Wolfe DH.  2009.  It's not easy being green: wind energy and a declining grassland bird.  BioScience.  59(3):257-262.  Available from
Noyes R.D, Rieseberg L.H.  1999.  ITS sequence data support a single origin for North American Astereae (Asteraceae) and reflect deep geographic divisions in Aster S.L.  American Journal of Botany.  86(3):398-412.
Hatfield R, Colla S, Jepsen S, Richardson L, Thorp R, Jordan SFoltz.  2014.  IUCN assessments for North American Bombus spp.    Available from
Hatfield R, Colla S, Jepsen S, Richardson L, Thorp R.  2014.  IUCN assessments for North American Bombus spp.: Idaho species. Draft.  
IUCN Species Survival Commission.  2012.  IUCN Red List categories and criteria: version 3.1. 2nd edition.    Available from
Shine R., Elphrick M.J, Harlow P.S, Moore I.T, LeMaster M.P, Mason R.T.  2001.  . J. Elphrick, P. S. Harlow, I. T. Moore, M. P. LeMaster, and R. T. Mason. 2001. Movements, mating, and dispersal of red-sided gartersnakes (THAMNOPHIS SIRTALIS PARIETALIS) from a communal den in Mani.  Copeia.  2001:82-91.
Marks J.S, Doremus J.H, Cannings R.J.  1989.  J. H. Doremus, and R. J. Cannings. 1989. Polygyny in the northern saw-whet owl.  Auk.  106:732-734.
Coan E..  1981.  James Graham Cooper: pioneer western naturalist.
DeBolt A..  1998.  Janish's Penstemon (Penstemon janishiae), a living tribute.  
Bureau of Land Management.  2005.  Jarbidge BLM fiscal year 2005 CCA implementation measure accomplishments.  
Klott J.  2009.  Jarbidge Field Office 2009 special status wildlife species observations.  
Klott J.  2011.  Jarbidge Field Office wildlife inventory work for the 2010 field season.  
Research I.Vision Air.  2004.  Jarbidge Lepidium inventory: Jarbidge Field Office, Lower Snake River District, Bureau of Land Management.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1987.  Jarbidge Resource Management Plan, Record of Decision.  
Murphey K.A.  1991.  The Jarbidge rock art site: pictographs in the high desert country of southwestern Idaho.  Idaho Archaeologist.  14(2):17-32.
Bureau of Land Management.  1987.  Jarbidge Wilderness final environmental impact statement.  
[Anonymous].  1993.  The Jepson manual: higher plants of California.
Kvam T, Overskaug K, Sorensern OJakob.  1984.  Jerven Gulo gulo L. i Norge. Utbredelse og bestand 1978 - 1983.  :1-76.
Idaho Conservation Services.  2008.  Jessica's aster (Symphyotrichum jessicae) following fire in the Dworshak Dam and Reservoir area: 2008 data.  
Basile J.V, Holmgren R.C.  1956.  Job progress reports for artificial revegetation studies on depleted big-game winter ranges in Idaho.  
Sandberg JHerman.  1892.  John Herman Sandberg Field Notes from the Department of Botany.