Bibliography and Citations

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Warnock S.E, Takekawa J.Y.  1995.  Habitat preferences of wintering shorebirds in a temporally changing environment: western sandpipers in the San Francisco Bay estuary.  Auk.  112:920-930.
Page N.  2005.  Habitat recovery research for sand-verbena moth.  Prepared for World Wildlife Fund Canada and Environment Canada.    Available from
Knick ST, Rotenberry JT.  1995.  Habitat relationships and breeding birds on the Snake River Birds of Prey area.  
Wasserman T.N.  2008.  Habitat relationships and gene flow of Martes americana in northern Idaho.  :128pp..
Nocera JJ, Forbes G, G. Milton R.  2007.  Habitat relationships of three grassland breeding bird species: broadscale comparisons and hayfield management implications.  Avian Conservation and Ecology.  2(1):e7.  Available from
Tank SL, Sidle WB.  1986.  Habitat relationships of wintering passerines in the River of No Return Wilderness area of central Idaho.  Northwest Science.  60(4):238-242.  Available from
Hayward G.E, Hayward P.H.  1987.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in Central Idaho.  
Hayward G., Hayward P.H, Garton E.O.  1986.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in central Idaho.  
Hayward GD, Garton EO, Hayward PH.  1985.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in central Idaho.  
Moore F.R, Gauthreaux, Jr. S.A.  1995.  Habitat requirements during migration: important link in conservation.
Lesica P..  1990.  Habitat requirements, germination behavior and seed bank dynamics of Howellia aquatilis in the Swan Valley, Montana.  
Bull EL, Meslow E.C.  1977.  Habitat requirements of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Forestry.  75(6):335-337.  Available from
R. Bowyer T, J. Testa W, Faro JB.  1995.  Habitat selection and home ranges of river otters in a marine environment: effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76(1):1-11.  Available from
Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1988.  Habitat selection by breeding American redstarts in response to a dominant competitor, the least flycatcher.  Auk.  105:350-364.
Marks J.S, Marks V.S.  1987.  Habitat selection by Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in west-central Idaho.  
Heady LT, Gabler KI, Laundré JW.  2001.  Habitat selection by pygmy rabbits in southeast Idaho.    Available from
Palmer D.A.  1986.  Habitat selection, movements and activity of boreal and saw-whet owls.  :101pp..
Rodhouse TJ, Hirnyck RP, R. Wright G.  2010.  Habitat selection of rodents along a piñon–juniper woodland–savannah gradient.  Journal of Mammalogy.  91(2):447–457.
Brush T, Anderson BW, Ohmart RD.  1983.  Habitat selection related to resource availability among cavity-nesting birds. Snag habitat management: proceedings of the symposium; 1983 Jun 7–9; Flagstaff, AZ.  Davis J.W, Goodwin G.A, Ockenfels R.A, editors. Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 88-98.  Available from
Hollenbeck JP, Saab VA, Frenzel RW.  2011.  Habitat suitability and nest survival of white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forests of Oregon.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  75(5):1061–1071.  Available from
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana).  
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis).  
Allen A.W.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: American coot.  
Cade B.S.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: American woodcock (wintering).  
A. Peterson Hsuitabil.  1986.  Habitat suitability index models: bald eagle (breeding season).