Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Blus L.J, Henny C.J, Anderson A., Fitzner R.E.  1985.  Reproduction, mortality, and heavy metal concentrations in great blue herons from three colonies in Washington and Idaho.  Colonial Waterbirds.  8(2):110-116.
White CM, Thurow TL.  1985.  Reproduction of ferruginous hawks exposed to controlled disturbance.  Condor.  87(1):14-22.  Available from
Reeves HM, Williams RM.  1956.  Reproduction, size, and mortality in the Rocky Mountain muskrat.  Journal of Mammalogy.  37(4):494-500.
Speth R.L, Pritchett CL, Jorgensen CD.  1968.  Reproductive activity of Perognathus parvus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  49(2):336-337.
Van Horn R.C.  1993.  Reproductive and behavioral responses of nesting ferruginous hawks to human disturbances caused by petroleum developments.  Montana Academy of Sciences.  53:7.
Savage T..  1963.  Reproductive behavior of the mottled sculpin, COTTUS BAIRDI (Girard).  Copeia.  1963:317-325.
Cousens M.I.  1973.  Reproductive biology and autecology of Blechnum spicant.  Dissertation Abstracts International.  34/08-B:3672.
Davis W.S.  1987.  Reproductive biology in Malacothrix (Asteraceae), Abstract.  American Journal of Botany.  74(5):731.
Barrett S.CH, Helenurm K..  1987.  The reproductive biology of boreal forest herbs. I. Breeding systems and pollination.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  65(10):2036-2046.
Helenurm K, Barrett. S.CH.  1987.  The reproductive biology of boreal forest herbs. II. Phenology of flowering and fruiting.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  65(10):2047-2056.
Macartney J.M, Gregory P.T.  1988.  Reproductive biology of female rattlesnakes (CROTALUS VIRIDIS) in British Columbia.  Copeia.  1988:47-57.
Whitney G.G.  1984.  The reproductive biology of raspberries and plant-pollinator community structure.  American Journal of Botany.  71(7):887-894.
Knupp D.M, Owen, Jr. R.B, Dimond J.B.  1977.  Reproductive biology of the American Robin in northern Main.  Auk.  94:80-85.
Gutiérrez R.J, Braun C.E, Zapatka T.P.  1975.  Reproductive biology of the band-tailed pigeon in Colorado and New Mexico.  Auk.  92:665-677.
Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1984.  Reproductive biology of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus viridus oreganus) in northern Idaho.  Herpetologica.  40(2):182-193.  Available from
Sipes S.D., Tepedino V.J.  1995.  Reproductive biology of the rare orchid, Spiranthes diluvialis: Breeding system, pollination, implications for conservation.  Conservation Biology.  9(4):929-938.
Ortega J.C.  1990.  Reproductive biology of the rock squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus) in southeastern Arizona.  Journal of Mammalogy.  71(3):448-457.
Forsman E.D, Otto I.A, Aubuchon D., Lewis J.C, Sovern S.G, Maurice K.J, Kaminski T..  1994.  Reproductive chronology of the northern flying squirrel on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.  Northwest Science.  68(4):273-275.
Fulkerson JR, C. Kinter L.  2023.  Reproductive ecology and bee associates of Packard’s milkvetch (Astragalus packardiae), a rare plant endemic to southwestern Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  83(2):243–253.  Available from
Iverson J.B, Smith G.R.  1993.  Reproductive ecology of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) in the Nebraska Sandhills and across its range.  Copeia.  1993:1-21.
Reynolds R.T, Rich T.D..  1978.  Reproductive ecology of the sage thrasher (OREOSCOPTES MONTANUS) on the Snake River Plain in south-central Idaho.  Auk.  95:580-582.
Reynolds TD, Rich TD.  1978.  Reproductive ecology of the sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) on the Snake River plain in south-central Idaho.  Auk.  95(3):580-582.  Available from
Johnson K, Mehlhop P, Black C, Score K.  1999.  Reproductive failure of endangered southwestern willow flycatchers on the Rio Grande, New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist.  44(2):226-231.  Available from,
Rubin E.S, Boyce W.M, Bleich V.C.  2000.  Reproductive strategies of desert bighorn sheep.  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:769-786.
Cuthbert F.J.  1988.  Reproductive success and colony-site tenacity in Caspian terns.  Auk.  105:339-344.