Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Jaeger J.R, Riddle B.R, Jennings R.D, Bradford D.F.  2001.  Rediscovering RANA ONCA: evidence for phylogenetically distinct leopard frogs from the border region of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.  Copeia.  2001:339-354.
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Groves C, Yensen E.  1989.  Rediscovery of the northern bog lemming (Synaptomys borealis) in Idaho.  Northwestern Naturalist.  70(1):14-15.  Available from
Stinson DW, Reichel JD.  1985.  Rediscovery of the pygmy shrew in Washington.  Murrelet.  66(2):59-60.
Isle D.W.  1997.  Rediscovery of Water Howellia for California.  Fremontia.  25(3):29-32.
Paullin D.G, Ivey G.L, Littlefield C.D.  1988.  The re-establishment of American white pelican nesting in the Malheur-Harney Basin, Oregon.  Murrelet.  69:61-64.
Reznicek A.A, Murray D.F.  2013.  A re-evaluation of Carex specuicola and the Carex parryana complex (Cyperaceae).  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  7(1):37-51.
Lewinsky-Haapasaari J., Norris D.H.  1998.  A re-evaluation of Orthotrichum euryphyllum.  Bryologist.  101:295-302.
Lichvar R.W.  1984.  A re-evaluation of Physaria didymocarpa var. integrifolia (Cruciferae).  Madrono.  31(4):203-207.
Dimmick W.W, Fiorino K.L, Burr B.M.  1996.  Reevaluation of the LYTHRURUS ARDENS (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) complex with recognition of three evolutionary species.  Copeia.  1996:813-823.
Paprocki N, Heath JA, Novak SJ.  2014.  Regional distribution shifts help explain local changes in wintering raptor abundance: implications for interpreting population trends.  PLOS ONE.  9(1):e86814.
Anonymous.  1993.  Regional notes: a northwestern tree in trouble.  American Horticulturist.  75(5):20.
Brennan LA.  1991.  Regional tests of a mountain quail habitat model.  Northwestern Naturalist.  72(3):100-108.  Available from
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Varo J., Guerra J., Zafra M.L, Ros R.M.  1992.  Regression and invasion of bryophytes in the south and southeast of the Iberian Peninsula.  Biological Conservation.  59:129-131.
Morton M.L, Pereyra M.E.  1985.  The regulation of egg temperatures and attentiveness patterns in the Dusky Flycatcher (EMPIDONAX OBERHOLSERI).  Auk.  102:25-37.
Nesom G., Morgan D.R.  1990.  Reinstatement of Tonestus (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytologia.  68(3):174-180.
Webster W.David, J. Jones, Jr. K.  1982.  Reithrodontomys megalotis.  Mammalian Species.  167:1-5.  Available from
Dufty A.M.  1994.  Rejection of foreign eggs by yellow-headed blackbirds.  Condor.  96:799-801.
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Lohr K, Yensen E, Munger JC, Novak SJ.  2013.  Relationship between habitat characteristics and densities of southern Idaho ground squirrels.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(5):983-993.  Available from
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Mace RD, Waller JS, Manley TL, L. Lyon J, Zuuring H.  1996.  Relationships among grizzly bears, roads and habitat in the Swan Mountains, Montana.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  33(6):1395-1404.  Available from
Molau U..  1993.  Relationships between flowering phenology and life history strategies in tundra plants.  Arctic and Alpine Research.  24(4):391-402.