Bibliography and Citations

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Grewal S.K, Wilson P.J, Kung T.K, Shami K., Theberge M.T, Theberge J.B, White B.N.  2004.  A genetic assessment of the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon) in Algonquin Provincial Park.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:625-632.
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc..  2005.  Bat survey report for Blackfoot Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement, final.  
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc..  2005.  Amphibian and reptile survey report for Blackfoot Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement, final.  
Grierson CS, Barnes SR, Chase MW, Clarke M, Grierson D, Edwards KJ, Jellis GJ, Jones JD, Knapp S, Oldroyd G et al..  2011.  One hundred important questions facing plant science research.    Available from
Griffin C.R, French T.W.  1992.  Protection of Threatened and Endangered species and their habitats by state regulations: the Massachusetts iniatitive.
Griffith J., Cochnaeur T..  1980.  A 10 on the ugly scale.  Idaho Wildlife.  2(5):14-17.
Griffith M..  2009.  Western plant, toad gain federal attention.  Idaho Statesman.
Griffith J..  1984.  Unpublished handwritten table of shoshone sculpin densities per age class for Upper Ritter Spring and a sketch of the spring system.  
Griffith J.S.  1982.  Fish populations.  
Griffiths G.CD.  1989.  The true Carex rostrata (Cyperaceae) in Alberta.  Alberta Naturalist.  19(3):105-108.
Grigg JLyle.  2007.  Gradients of predation risk affect distribution and migration of a large herbivore [master's thesis].  Fish and Wildlife Management.  :94.  Available from
Griggs F.T, Dibble J.E.  1979.  Status report, Howellia aquatilis Gray, for the Mendocino National Forest.  
Griggs F.T, Jain. S.K.  1983.  Conservation of vernal pool plants in California, II. Population biology of a rare and unique grass genus Orcuttia.  Biological Conservation.  27:171-193.
Grimes J.W.  1979.  The flora of Leslie Gulch Malheur County, Oregon.  :54pp..
Grimes J.W.  1984.  Notes on the flora of Leslie Gulch, Malheur County, Oregon.  Madrono.  31(2):80-85.
Grimes J.W.  1990.  A revision of the New World species of Psoraleeae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae).  Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden.  Vol. 61:113pp..
Grimes J.W, Packard P.L.  1981.  New taxa of Apiaceae, Hydrophyllaceae and Saxifragaceae from Oregon and Idaho.  Brittonia.  33:430-434.
Grimes J.  1980.  New York Botanical Garden herbaria search for Antennaria arcuata.  
F. Grimm W.  Submitted.  No description.  Grimm, F. Wayne.  
Grimm F.W.  1974.  Land snail survey, St. Joe, Salmon, Coeur d'Alene, Snake, and Clearwater systems: preliminary report.  
Grinnell J., Swarth H.S.  1913.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. An account of the birds and mammals of the San Jacinto area of southern California; with remarks upon the behavior of geographic races on the margins of their habitats.  10, University of California Publications in Zoology.  Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 228-232.  Available from
Grinnell J.  1905.  Summer birds of Mount Pinos, California.  Auk.  22(4):378-391.  Available from
Grinnell J.  1915.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. A Distributional list of birds of California.  11, Pacific Coast Avifauna.  Hollywood (CA): Cooper Ornithological Club.   p. 58-59.
Grinnell J., Storer T.I.  1924.  Mountain Quail.
Grinnell J., Dixon J.S, Linsdale J.M.  1930.  Oreortyx picta picta.