Bibliography and Citations

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Genter D.L.  1987.  Dolphins of the sky.  Idaho Wildlife.  Jul/Aug
Genter D.L.  1992.  Status of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in Montana, Abstract.
Genter D..  1990.  The Coeur d'Alene salamander: Montana's cliff-hanger.  Montana Outdoors.  21(5):15-17.
Genter D.L, Wilson A.G, Simon E.M.  1988.  Supplementary report on the status of the Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon vandykei idahoensis) in Montana.  
Genter DL.  1986.  Wintering bats of the upper Snake River Plain: occurrence in lava-tube caves.  Great Basin Naturalist.  46(2):241-244.  Available from
Genter D.  1989.  Bat occurrence data for INEL project [memorandum].  
Genter D..  1988.  Proposal for status review of the Coeur d'Alene Salamander in the Kootenai River Valley, Montana, and mitigation of an altered population along U.S. highway 2, Libby - Troy, Montana.  
Gentry J.L, Carr R.L.  1976.  A revision of the genus Hackelia (Boraginaceae) in North America, north of Mexico.  Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden.  26(1):121-227.
George S..  1996.  Saving biodiversity: a status report on state laws, policies and programs.  
Geraci CJo, Zhou X, Morse JC, Kjer KM.  2010.  Defining the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera:Hydropsychidae) based on DNA and morphological evidence.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  29(3):918–933.  Available from
Gerald J.W.  1966.  Food habits of longnose dace, RHINICHTHYS CATARACTAE.  Copeia.  3:478-485.
Gerber M.F, Munger J.C, Ames A., Stewart J..  1997.  Reptiles and amphibians in deep canyons: the Big Jacks and Little Jacks Creek drainages of Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Gerber M.F, Munger J.C, Ames A..  1996.  Sawtooth National Forest high lakes amphibian survey.  
Gerber BD, Dwyer JF, Nesbitt SA, Drewien RC, Littlefield CD, Tacha TC, Vohs PA.  2014.  Sandhill crane (Grus canadensis).  Birds of North America Online.  (031)  Available from
Gerhardt R..  1992.  Letter and table explaining banding of great gray owls on the Targhee National Forest in June 1992.  
Gerhardt R..  1993.  List of great gray owl banding sites from June 1992 and animal observation reports giving nest productivity information. Accompanied by letter dated 28 June 1993.  
C. Germaine S..  1993.  Permanent monitoring plot establishment for Blechnum spicant (deerfern) on the Clearwater National Forest.  
Germano DJ, Rathbun GB, Saslaw LR.  2012.  Effects of grazing and invasive grasses on desert vertebrates in California.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):670-682.  Available from
Germino MJ.  2014.  Sagebrush ecosystems in a changing climate.  
Gersh-Young M..  1995.  Hot springs and hot pools of the Northwest.
Gerstell A.T, Trost. C.H.  1995.  Fall concentrations of buteos near the continental divide: a twenty-year summary.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(2):99-102.
Gertschen C..  1993.  Primula alcalina.  
Gervais J.  2016.  Conservation assessment for the pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) in Oregon and Washington.    Available from
Gervais J, Rosenberg D, Barnes S, Puchy C, Stewart E.  2009.  Conservation assessment for the western painted turtle in Oregon (Chrysemys picta bellii).    Available from
Ghan D., Sprules W.G.  1992.  Diet, prey selection, and growth of larval and juvenile burbot (Lota lota (L)).  Journal of Fish Biology.  42:47-64.