Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  2006.  Correspondence over penetrative trampling livestock trigger for EO71.  
Anonymous.  2015.  More than naming of parts.  Nature Plants.  1:1.
Anonymous.  1988.  Cumulative effects analysis process for the Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear ecosystems.  
Anonymous.  2000.  Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI): coordination meeting on sampling in the Pacific Northwest and adjacent areas. Report of findings.
Anonymous.  1990.  Yakima Reservation Rangeland Ecological Sites. Draft.  
Anonymous.  1992.  An ecological approach to management.
Anonymous.  1951.  The plumed quail (Oreortyx picta picta) in Upland game birds of Idaho.  
Anonymous.  1987.  Total hardness (mg/l as CaCO3), and calcium, magnesium and sodium (mg/l) concentrations for samples collected from the various ponds during 1987.  
Anonymous.  0.  Map copy showing the boundaries of the Purcell and Cabinet Proposed Grizzly Bear Recovery Habitats.  
Anonymous.  2002.  Draft lynx linkage zones.  
Anonymous.  0.  Explanations for field title.  
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Salix spp.  
Anonymous.  0.  Status report for Lomatium orogenioides.  
Anonymous.  0.  The Pliocene fauna of Hagerman, a study of alternatives.  
Anthony A.W.  1911.  Notes on some species from eastern Oregon.  Auk.  28:274-275.
Anthony A.W.  1912.  Eastern Oregon notes.  Auk.  29:253.
Anthony A.W.  1913.  Mammals of northern Malheur County, Oregon.  
Anthony A.W.  1893.  Birds of San Pedro Martir.  Zoe.  4:232.
Antolin MF, Van Horne B, Berger, Jr. MD, Holloway AK, Roach JL, Weeks, Jr. RD.  2001.  Effective population size and genetic structure of a piute ground squirrel (Spermophilus mollis) population.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  79(1):26-34.
Antonelli DS.  2012.  Hager Lake 2012 Report -- Water Table Depth Appendix.  
Antonelli D..  2008.  Pend Oreille WMA rare plant survey.  
Antonelli D.  2016.  Email correspondence from Derek Antonelli to INPS Northern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, April 2016 RE Meeting Notes.  
Antonelli DS.  2012.  Hager Lake Vegetation Study: Sixty Years of Changes.  
Antonelli D.  2012.  Email correspondence and submission of rare plant observation reports for Hager Lake.  
Antonelli D.  2016.  Email correspondence from Derek Antonelli to INPS Northern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, November 2016 RE Meeting Notes.