Hager Lake 2012 Report -- Water Table Depth Appendix

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This appendix supplements report on the vegetation study completed at Hager Lake during 2012. It provided details on the water table depth measurements taken from 1995 through 2012. The water table’s depth in relation to the surface of the soil substrate was measured every year during this time period. Archie George, the property’s owner, established piezometers at five sites around Hager Lake. One site (Site 1) was located on the moss mat near the southeast edge of the lake. Another (Site 4) was located just north of the northern edge of the lake. One (Site 3) was located midway between the northern edge of the lake and the northern boundary of the property. Another (Site 2) was located near the northern edge of the property. The final one (Site 5) was located to the west of the ditch leading north out of the lake. The piezometers consist of a two-inch PVC pipe inserted vertically through the soil surface and into the water table. Water is able to enter the pipe through the bottom and sides so the level of the water in the pipe reflects the level of the water table at any given time. The pipe is fitted with a cap to prevent the introduction of debris (Figure 1). The cap is secured when measurements are not being made. To make the measurements, the distance from the top of the pipe to the surface of the soil and the distance from the top of the pipe to the top of the water in the pipe are measured to the nearest quarter inch (Figure 2). The differential between the two readings indicates the distance from the soil surface to the water table. This is expressed as a negative value when the water table is below the top of the soil. A positive value is used if the water table is standing above the surface of the soil.