Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Linhart Y.B, Premoli A.C.  1994.  Genetic variation in central and disjunct populations of Lilium parryi.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  72:79-85.
Seutin G., Simon J.P.  1988.  Genetic variation in sympatric willow flycatchers (EMPIDONAX TRAILLII) and alder flycatchers (E. ALNORUM).  Auk.  105(2):235-243.
Dessauer H.C, Cole C.J.  1991.  Genetics of whiptail lizards (Reptilia: Teiidae: CNEMIDOPHORUS) in a hybrid zone in southwestern New Mexico.  Copeia.  1991:622-637.
Dillon, Jr. RT, Herman JJ.  2009.  Genetics, shell morphology, and life history of the freshwater pulmonate limpets Ferrissia rivularis and Ferrissia fragilis.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology.  24(2):261-271.  Available from
Best T.L, Chesser R.K, McCullough D.A, Baumgardner G.D.  Submitted.  Genic and morphometric variation in kangaroo rats, genus DIPODOMYS, from coastal California.  Journal of Mammalogy.  77:785-800.
Gutiérrez R.J, Zink RM, Yang SY.  1983.  Genic variation, systematic, and biogeographic relationships of some galliform birds.  Auk.  100(1):33-47.  Available from
Gutiérrez R.J, Zink R.M, Yang S.Y.  1983.  Genic variation, systematic, and biogeographic relationships of some Galliform birds.  Auk.  100:33-47.
Ownbey M..  1950.  The genus Allium in Idaho.  Research Studies of the State College of Washington.  18(1):3-39.
Landry B, Landry J-F.  2004.  The genus Alucita in North America, with description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Alucitidae).  Canadian Entomologist.  136(4):553-579.  Available from
Chmielewski J.G, Chinnappa C.C.  1988.  The genus Antennaria (Asteraceae: Inuleae) in North America: multivariate analysis of variation patterns in Antennaria rosea sensu lato.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  66:1583-1609.
Reeves T..  1977.  The genus Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae) in Arizona.  American Fern Journal.  67(2):33-39.
Jankovska V., Rybnicek K..  1988.  The genus Carex in the Late Glacial and Holocene of Czechoslovakia.  Aquatic Botany.  30:23-37.
Mulligan G.A.  1980.  The genus Cicuta in North America.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  58:55-1767.
Wagner, Jr. W.H, Wagner F.S.  1983.  Genus communities as a systematic tool in the study of New World Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae).  Taxon.  32(1):51-63.
Yuncker T.G.  1932.  The genus Cuscuta.  Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club.  18(2):113-331.
Anonymous.  1975.  The genus Dodecatheon Linnaeus in British Columbia.  Davidsonia.  6(1):7-13.
Applegate E.I.  1935.  The genus Erythronium: a taxonomic and distributional study of the western North American species.  Madrono.  3:58-113.
Correll DS.  1943.  The genus Habenaria in western North America.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  3(2):233-256.  Available from
Denning D.G.  1964.  The genus Homophylax (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  57(2):253–260.  Available from
Hitchcock C.L.  1936.  The genus lepidium in the United States.  Madrono.  3:265-320.
D. Rogers C.  2006.  A genus level revision of the Thamnocephalidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Zootaxa.  1260:1-25.  Available from
Jordan W.P.  1973.  The genus Lobaria in North America north of Mexico.  Bryologist.  76(2):225-251.
Baumann RW, Stark BP.  2013.  The genus Megaleuctra Neave (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) in North America.  Illiesia.  9(6):65-93.  Available from
Porter C.L.  1956.  The genus Peteria (Leguminosae).  Rhodora.  58:344-354.
Wherry E.T.  1955.  The genus Phlox.  Morris Arboretum Monographs.  III:174pp..