Bibliography and Citations

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Blaustein AR, Belden LK, Olson DH, Green DM, Root TL, Kiesecker JM.  2001.  Amphibian breeding and climate change.  Conservation Biology.  15(6):1804-1809.  Available from,,
Belnap J, Kaltenecker JHilty, Rosentreter R, Williams J, Leonard S, Eldridge D.  2001.  Biological soil crusts: ecology and management.    Available from
Belnap J., Kaltenecker J.H, Rosentreter R., Williams J., Leonard S., Eldridge D..  2001.  Biological soil crusts: ecology and management.  
C. Knisley B, Hill JM.  2001.  Biology and conservation of the coral pink sand dunes tiger beetle, Cicindela limbata albissima Rumpp.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(4):381-394.  Available from
Kolb A, Spribille T.  2001.  Calicium corynellum (Ach.) Ach. in the United States and Calicium montanum Tibell new for North America.  Evansia.  18(3):91-92.
Kiesecker JM, Blaustein AR, Belden LK.  2001.  Complex causes of amphibian population declines.  Nature.  410(6829):681-684.  Available from
Kay CE.  2001.  The condition and trend of aspen communities on BLM administered lands in central Nevada with recommendations for management. Final Report.    Available from
Klicka J., Fry A.J, Zink R.M, Thompson C.W.  2001.  A cytochrome-b perspective on PASSERINA bunting relationships.  Auk.  118:611-623.
Harrod R.J, Knecht D., Wilderman D., Malmquist L..  2001.  The effects of fire on selected rare plants of the Wenatchee Mountains.  
Matthews K.R, Pope K.L, Preisler H.K, Knapp R.A.  2001.  Effects of nonnative trout on Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) in the Sierra Nevada.  Copeia.  2001:1130-1137.
Kipfmueller KF.  2001.  Fire, fuels, and climate in coniferous forests of Idaho and Montana.  Sage Notes.  23(1):2-5.
Kaye T.n, Kuykendall K..  2001.  Germination and propagation techniques for restoring rare Pacific Northwest prairie plants.  
Kaye T.n, Kuykendall K..  2001.  Germination and propagation techniques for restoring rare Pacific Northwest prairie plants.  
Kruckeberg A.R.  2001.  History of rare plant conservation in the Pacific Northwest and some ideas on rarity. Pages 1-3 in S. H. Reichard, P. W. Dunwiddie, J. G. Gamon, A. R. Kruckeberg, and D. L. Salstrom, eds., Conservation of Washington's rare plants and ecosystems. Washingto.  
Niwa CG, Sandquist RE, Crawford R, Frest TJ, Griswold T, Hammond P, Ingham E, James S, Johannes EJ, Johnson J et al..  2001.  Invertebrates of the Columbia River Basin Assessment Area.  
Rosentreter R., Eldridge D.J, Keltenecker J.H.  2001.  Monitoring and management of biological soil crusts.   Available from
Koopowitz H.  2001.  Orchids and their conservation. Portland (OR): Timber Press.  
Pierson K., Tepedino V.J, Sipes S., Kuta K..  2001.  Pollination ecology of the rare orchid, Spiranthes diluvialis: Implications for conservation.
Knapp PA, Soulé PT, Grissino-Mayer HD.  2001.  Post-drought growth responses of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) in central Oregon.  Geophysical Research Letters.  28(13):2657-2660.  Available from
King R.A, Belthoff JR.  2001.  Post-fledging dispersal of burrowing owls in southwestern Idaho: characterization of movements and use of satellite burrows.  Condor.  103(1):118-126.  Available from
Holmgren NH, Kelso S.  2001.  Primula cusickiana (Primulaceae) and its varieties.  Brittonia.  53(1):154-156.
Evenden AG, Moeur M, J. Shelly S, Kimball SF, Wellner CA.  2001.  Research Natural Areas on National Forest System Lands in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Western Wyoming: A Guidebook for Scientists, Managers, and Educators.    Available from
VanWieren BJ, Kondratieff BC, Stark BP.  2001.  A review of the North American species of Megarcys klapálek (Plecoptera: Perlodidae).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  103(2):409-427.  Available from
Apps CD, McLellan BN, Kinley TA, Flaa JP.  2001.  Scale-dependent habitat selection by mountain caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  65(1):65-77.
Zika P., Kuykendall K..  2001.  Some sedges (Carex) never found in Oregon.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  7:22-28.