Bibliography and Citations

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Henderson DM.  1976.  A Biosystematic Study of Pacific Northwestern Blue-Eyed Grasses (Sisyrinchium, Iridaceae).  Brittonia.  28:149-176.  Available from
Hodgson J.M, Rees. N.E.  1976.  Dispersal of Rhinocyllus conicus for biocontrol of musk thistle.  Weed Science.  24(1):59-62.
Hornocker M.G, Messick J.P, Whitman J.S, Smith G.W.  1976.  Dynamics of predation upon a raptor prey base in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area, Idaho.  Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project, Annual Report.  
Yardley D., Hubbs C..  1976.  An electrophoretic study of two species of mosquitofish with notes on genetic subdivision.  Copeia.  1976:117-20.
Hanson C.L, Johnson C.W, Wrigth J.R.  1976.  Foliage mortality of Mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) in southwestern Idaho during the winter of 1976-77.  Journal of Range Management.  35(2):142-145.
Holsinger JR.  1976.  The freshwater amphipod crustaceans (Gammaridae) of North America.  Water Pollution Control Research Series 18050 ELD04/72.    Available from
Henderson J.A, Mauk R.L, Anderson D.L, Ketchie R., Lawton P., Simon S., Sperger R.H, Young R.W, Youngblood A..  1976.  Preliminary forest habitat-types of northwestern Utah and adjacent Idaho.  
Howard RP, Wolfe ML.  1976.  Range improvement practices and ferruginous hawks.  Journal of Range Management.  29(1):33-37.  Available from
Hogstad O.  1976.  Sexual dimorphism and divergence in winter foraging behaviour of three-toed woodpeckers Picoides tridactylus.  Ibis.  118(1):41-50.
Higgins P.D, Spomer G.G.  1976.  Soil temperature effects on root respiration and the ecology of alpine and subalpine plants.  Botanical Gazette.  137(2):110-120.
Holmgren A.H, Shultz L.M, Lowrey T.K.  1976.  Sphaeromeria, a genus closer to Artemisia than to Tanacetum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae).  Brittonia.  28(2):255-262.
Hanna G.D, Rath M..  1976.  A successful bighorn sheep re-establishment program in southwestern Idaho.  
Steere W.C, Scotter G.W, Holmen K..  1977.  Bryophytes of Nahanni National Park and vicinity, Northwest Territories, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  55:1741-1767.
Burger J., Howe M.A., Hahn D.C., Chase J..  1977.  Effects of tidal cycles on habitat selection and habitat partitioning by migrant shorebirds.  Auk.  94:743-758.
Burger J., Howe M.A., Hahn D.C., Chase J..  1977.  Effects of tidal cycles on habitat selection and habitat partitioning by migrant shorebirds.  Auk.  94:743-758.
Koehler GM, Hornocker MG.  1977.  Fire effects on marten habitat in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  41(3):500-505.
Hironaka M..  1977.  Habitat type classification for grasslands and shrub lands of southern Idaho.  
Hawes M.L.  1977.  Home range, territoriality and ecological separation in sympatric shrews, SOREX VAGRANS and SOREX OBSCURUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58:354-367.
Harrington H.D..  1977.  How to identify grasses and grasslike plants (sedges and rushes). Edition First Edition.  Chicago (Illinois): The Swallow Press, Inc..  
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK.  1977.  Intermountain flora: vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A.. Six, The Monocotyledons.  Bronx (New York): The New York Botanical Garden.  
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK.  1977.  Intermountain flora: vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A.. Six, The Monocotyledons.  Bronx (New York): The New York Botanical Garden.  
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK.  1977.  Intermountain flora: vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A.. Six, The Monocotyledons.  Bronx (New York): The New York Botanical Garden.  
Ogden VT, Hornocker MG.  1977.  Nesting density and success of prairie falcons in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  41(1):1-11.
Hogstad O.  1977.  Seasonal change in intersexual niche differentiation of the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus.  Ornis Scandinavica.  8(2):101-111.
Bohlin A., Gustafsson L., Hallingback T..  1977.  Skirmossan, Hookeria lucens, i Sverige.  Svensk Bot. Tidskr.  71:273-284.