Bibliography and Citations

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Yensen E..  2001.  The ecological role of ground squirrels and a "field guide" to northwestern species, Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  37(1):42-44.
Yensen E., Kirkland G.L.  1998.  Synaptomys borealis (Richardson 1828): northern bog lemming.  
Yensen E.  1985.  Taxonomy, distribution, and population status of the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus.  
Yensen E, Quinney DL, Johnson K, Timmerman K, Steenhof K.  1992.  Fire, vegetation changes, and population fluctuations of Townsend's ground squirrels.  American Midland Naturalist.  128(2):299-312.
Yensen E., Sherman P.W.  1996.  Ground squirrels, Smokey the Bear, and the death of an ecosystem. Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  32(1/2):62-63.
Yensen E.  2008.  Southern Idaho ground squirrel surveys on Soulen Livestock Company lands, 2008 annual report and final report.  Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office.  
Yensen E..  1980.  Population status of the Idaho ground squirrel.  
Yensen E., Haak B..  2001.  Population survey of the southern Idaho ground squirrel.  
Yensen D.  1980.  A grazing history of Southwestern Idaho with emphasis on the Birds of Prey Study Area.  USDI-BLM Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project.  
Yensen E., Sherman P.W.  2001.  Demise of the small-eared ground squirrels, Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  37(1):74-76.
Yensen E, Stephens DA, Post M.  1986.  An additional Idaho mole record.  Murrelet.  67(3):96.  Available from
Yensen E..  2005.  Surveys for southern Idaho ground squirrels on Soulen Livestock Company lands: 2005 annual report.  
Yensen E..  2005.  Survey for southern Idaho ground squirrels on Soulen Livestock Company lands.  A report for U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office, Boise, ID..  
Yensen E..  1998.  Wyoming ground squirrel.  
Yensen NP, Clark WH, Francoeur A.  1977.  A checklist of Idaho ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  53(3):181-187.  Available from,_Clark_%26_Francoeur_1977.pdf
Yensen E..  1998.  Spermophilus brunneus (A. H. Howell 1928): Idaho ground squirrel.  
Yensen E, Haak B.  2000.  Population survey of the southern Idaho ground squirrel.  
Yensen E..  2004.  Spreadsheet of historic Piute ground squirrel observations and museum records compiled from a variety of sources.  
Yensen D.L.  1981.  The 1900 invasion of alien plants into southern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  41(2):176-183.
Yeo JJ.  2002.  Avian community status in the Chilly Slough Wetland Conservation Area, East Central Idaho.  
Yeo J.J.  1989.  Wolf summer habitat survey: Selway and Moose Creek Ranger Districts, summer 1989.  
Yeo J.J, Peterson C.R.  1998.  Amphibian and reptile distribution and habitat relationships in the Lost River Mountains and Challis-Lemhi Resource Areas.  
Yocom C., Harris S..  1953.  Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx picta) in eastern Washington.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  17:204-207.
Yocum CF, Harris SW.  1953.  Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx picta) in eastern Washington.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  17(2):204-207.
Yocum L.F, Harris S.W, Hanson H.A.  1958.  Status of grebes in eastern Washington.  Auk.  75:36-47.