Bibliography and Citations

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Althoff D.P, Storm G.L.  1989.  Daytime spatial characteristics of cottontial rabbits in central Pennsylvania.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70:820-824.
Alt D.D, Hyndman D.W.  1989.  Roadside geology of Idaho.
Alt D..  2001.  Glacial Lake Missoula and its humongous floods.
Alstrup V., Sochting U..  1989.  Checkliste og status over Danmarks laver. Nordisk Lichenologisk Forening.
Alsos IGreve, Ehrich D, Thuiller W, Eidesen PBronken, Tribsch A, Schonswetter P, Lagaye C, Taberlet P, Brochmann C.  2012.  Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants.  Royal Society, Biological Sciences.  279:2042-2051.  Available from
Alpert p, Kagan. J..  1998.  The utility of plant community types: a practical review of riparian vegetation classification in the intermountain United States.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(2):124-137.
Almack J..  1985.  An evaluation of grizzly bear habitat in the Selkirk Mountains of north Idaho.  :87pp.
Almack J., Rohlman J..  1984.  Selkirk mountain grizzly bear habitat use, movements, and distribution.  
Allred DM.  1968.  Ticks of the National Reactor Testing Station.  Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series.  10(1):1-29.  Available from
Allred DM.  1973.  Small mammals of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  33(4):246-250.  Available from
Allred B.W.  1941.  Grasshoppers and their effect on sagebrush on the Little Powder Irver in Wyoming and Montana.  Ecology.  22:387-392.
Allred KW.  1976.  The plant family Gentianaceae in Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  36(4):483-495.
Allred DM.  1969.  Spiders of the National Reactor Testing Station.  Great Basin Naturalist.  29(2):105-108.  Available from
Allred DM, D. Beck E.  1963.  Range of movement and dispersal of some rodents at the Nevada Atomic Test Site.  Journal of Mammalogy.  44(2):190-200.  Available from
Allred DM.  1973.  Scorpions of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  33(4):251-254.  Available from
Allred K.W.  1990.  New Mexico grass types and a selected bibliography of New Mexico grass taxonomy.  Great Basin Naturalist.  50(1):73-82.
Alley M.  2003.  The craft of scientific presentations: critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid. New York (NY): Springer-Verlag New York, Inc..  
Aller A.R, Fosberg M.A, Falen A.L.  1981.  Plant communities and soils of north slopes in the Palouse region of eastern Washington and northern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  55:248-262.
Allen-Johnson B.K.  1991.  Selkirk mountains grizzly bear enforcement and public relations project: August 1990 - November 1991. Threatened and endangered species report.  
Allen A.W.  1983.  Habitat suitability index models: mink.  
Allen G.A.  1991.  Letter from Gerry Allen (University of Victoria) to Chris Lorain regarding the distribution of Aster jessicae in northern Idaho and collection data.  
Allen RK.  1968.  New species and records of Ephemerella (Ephemerella) in western North America (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae).  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  41(4):557-567.  Available from
Allen RK, Edmunds, Jr. GF.  1961.  A revision of the Genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) II. The subgenus Caudatella.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  54(4):603-612.
Allen G.A.  1984.  Morphological and cytological variation in the western North American Aster occidentalis complex (Asteraceae).  Systematic Botany.  9(2):175-191.
Allen D.B, Fite K., Nelson J., Flatter B.J.  1997.  (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) population and stream habitat surveys in western Owyhee County, Idaho.