Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Field survey for the Idaho dunes tiger beetle, Cicindela arenicola, on Saylor Creek Bombing Range. Final report.  
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Letter to Kathy Strickland, SAIC, regarding the second field visit to locate the Idaho dunes tiger beetle on Saylor Creek Bombing Range.  
Stephens GM.  2002.  First records of Yuma skipper, Ochlodes yuma (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), in Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  38(1/2):6.
Stephenson M., Clark W.H.  2004.  Malad River-Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola) distribution.  
Stephenson R.O.  1986.  Development of lynx population estimation techniques.  
Stephenson JA.  2008.  Ecology of translocated Mountain Quail in western Idaho and eastern Washington.  University of Idaho, College of Graduate Studies.  :146.
Stern MA.  1987.  Site tenacity, mate retention and sexual dimorphism in black terns.  :45pp..  Available from
Stern MA, Rosenberg GA.  1985.  Occurrence of a breeding upland sandpiper at Sycan Marsh, Oregon.  Murrelet.  66(1):34-35.
Stern M.A.  1990.  Abundance and distribution of yellow rails in southcentral Oregon. Final Report.  
Steven G., Long D.G.  1989.  An update on the status of Buxbaumia aphylla on bings in central Scotland.  Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh.  45:389-395.
Stevens M.L, Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special Plant Survey for site East of Kooskia on July 6, 1985: Calochortus nitidus.  
Stevens BS, Reese KP, Connelly JW, Musil DD.  2012.  Greater sage‐grouse and fences: Does marking reduce collisions? Wildlife Society Bulletin.  36(2):297-303.  Available from
Stevens R., Giunta B.C, Johnson K.R, Plummer A.P.  1977.  Winterfat.  
Stevens M.L, Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special Plant Survey for ranch near Kooskia on July 6, 1985: Calochortus nitidus.  
Stevens M.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Stevens, Michelle..  
Stevens M.L, Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special Plant Survey for Ahsahka site of July 6, 1985: Calochortus nitidus.  
Stevens M.L, Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special plant survey forms for White Bird Hill on July 3, 1985.  
Stevens SR, Frey DF.  2010.  Host plant pattern and variation in climate predict the location of natal grounds for migratory monarch butterflies in western North America.  Journal of Insect Convservation.  14(6):731-744.
Stevens M, Mansfield DH, Smith JF, Feist MAnn E.  2018.  Resolving the anomaly of Lomatium anomalum: discovery of a new species in southwestern Idaho (U.S.A.) Lomatium andrusianum (Apiaceae).  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  12(1):1-15.
Stevenson H.M, al. et.  Submitted.  Notes on common and Antillean nighthawks of the Florida Keys.  Auk.  100:983-988.
Stevenson S.K.  1979.  Effects of selective logging on arboreal lichens used by Selkirk caribou.  
Steward A.N, Dennis L.J, Gilkey H.M.  Submitted.  Aquatic plants of the Pacific Northwest with vegetative keys. Second Edition.  
Stewart P.A.  1952.  Dispersal, breeding behavior, and longevity of banded barn owls in North America.  Auk.  69:227-245.
Stewart P.A.  1958.  Local movements of wood ducks (AIX SPONSA).  Auk.  75:157-168.
Stewart KW, Stark BP.  2002.  Review and further descriptions of eggs and females of the North American stonefly genus Setvena (Plecoptera: Perlodidae).  Entomological News.  113(2):87-93.  Available from