Bibliography and Citations

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Wittenberger JF.  1978.  The breeding biology of an isolated bobolink population in Oregon.  Condor.  80:355-371.  Available from
Pulliainen E, Loisa K.  1977.  Breeding biology and food of the great grey owl, Strix nebulosa, in northeastern Finnish Forest Lapland.  Aquilo Series Zoologica.  17:23-33.
Beason R.C, Franks E.C.  1974.  Breeding behavior of the Horned Lark.  Auk.  91:65-74.
Flake L.D.  1995.  Breeding and wintering populations of raptors on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Morris R.C, Blew R.D.  1997.  Breeding and wintering populations of raptors at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  
Jones SL, Nations CS, Fellows SD, McDonald LL.  2008.  Breeding abundance and distribution of long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) in North America.  31.  (1):1-14.
D. Rogers C, Fugate M.  2001.  Branchinecta hiberna, a new species of fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) from western North America.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(1):11–18.  Available from
Ríos Pde Los, Rogers C, Rivera N.  2008.  Branchinecta gaini Daday, 1910 (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) as a bioindicator of oligotrophic and low conductivity shallow ponds in southern Chilean Patagonia.  Crustaceana.  81(9):1025-1034.
King DA.  1997.  Branch growth and biomass allocation in Abies amabilis saplings in contrasting light environments.  Tree Physiology.  17(4):251-258.
Ferguson R.B, Boyd R.J.  1988.  Bracken fern inhibition of conifer regeneration in northern Idaho.  
Ferguson R.B, Boyd R.J.  1988.  Bracken fern inhibition of conifer regeneration in northern Idaho.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Brachylagus idahoensis (pygmy rabbit): biological review, sightings, and site comparision.  
Green JS, Flinders JT.  1980.  Brachylagus idahoensis.  Mammalian Species.  125:1-4.  Available from
Anonymous.  1999.  The (boys) bats of summer.  
Gunn D, Bechinski EJohn.  2008.  Boxelder bug: nuisance management for homeowners.  Current Information Series (CIS).    Available from
Whitfield M.B, Miller S., Wilson M..  2003.  Box Canyon bald eagle breeding area management plan.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1985.  Box Canyon ACEC Management Plan.  
Ketchum C..  1985.  Bowen Canyon Bald Eagle Sanctuary: an overview.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1981.  Bowen Canyon Bald Eagle Sanctuary: an Area of Critical Environmental Concern.  
[Anonymous].  1987.  Bouteloua gracilis.  
Betzold T.K.  Submitted.  Boundary description, Circle End Creek RNA.  
Suarez AV, Case TJ.  2002.  Bottom-up effects on persistence of a specialist predator: ant invasions and horned lizards.  Ecological Applications.  12(1):291-298.
Hosner J.F, Minckler L.S.  1963.  Bottomland hardwood forests of southern Illinois - regeneration and succession.  Ecoloyg.  44(1):29-41.
Root P.G, Montgomery J.D.  1987.  Botrychium pinnatum in Colorado.  American Fern Journal.  77(2):68-69.
Gilman AV, Farrar DR, Zika PF.  2015.  Botrychium michiganense sp. nov. (Ophioglossaceae), a new North American moonwort.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  9:295–309.  Available from