Bibliography and Citations

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Steiger M.  2010.  Annual Slickspot Peppergrass Conservation Agreement (CA)/ Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) Implementation/Survey Report 2010.  
Steiger M.  2011.  Annual Slickspot Peppergrass Conservation Agreement/Candidate Conservation Agreement Implementation/Survey Report 2011.  
Steiger M, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Mark Steiger to Lynn Kinter RE Lepidium papilliferum observations in 2010.  
Stein BA.  2002.  States of the Union: Ranking America's Biodiversity.  
Stein BA, Gravuer K.  2008.  Hidden in plain sight: the role of plants in State Wildlife Action Plans.    Available from
Stein B.A, Flack S.R.  1997.  1997 species report card: the state of U.S. plants and animals.  
Steinauer G., Hildebrand T..  1998.  Survey for the Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in western Nebraska.  
Steiner AL.  1975.  Bedding and nesting material gathering in rock squirrels, Spermophilus (Otospermophilus) variegatus grammurus (Say) (Sciuridae) in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona.  Southwestern Naturalist.  20(3):363-370.
Steinkamp M..  1989.  Cottonwood bighorn sheep study.  
Steinkamp M.J.  1990.  The effect of seasonal cattle grazing on California bighorn sheep habitat use.  
Stejneger L..  1891.  Annotated list of reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. C. Hart Merriam and party in Idaho, 1890.
Stenger J..  1958.  Food habits and available food of Ovenbirdsin relation to territory.  Auk.  75:335-346.
Stenroos S..  1990.  Cladonia luteoalba - an enigmatic Cladonia.  Karstenia.  30:27-32.
Stephens DA, Sturts. SHorning.  1991.  Idaho bird distribution: mapping by latilong. Edition First.  Special Publication No. 11.  Pocatello: Idaho Museum of Natural History, Idaho State University.  
Stephens GM.  2001.  Pollinators of Mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) in Idaho.  
Stephens GM, Ferris CD.  2003.  Wild silk moths (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera) and sphinx moths (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera) of Cecil D. Andrus Wildlife Management Area, Washington County, Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  39(1):1-4.
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Field survey for the Idaho dunes tiger beetle, Cicindela arenicola, on Saylor Creek Bombing Range. Final report.  
Stephens GM.  2002.  First records of Yuma skipper, Ochlodes yuma (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), in Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  38(1/2):6.
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Letter to Kathy Strickland, SAIC, regarding the second field visit to locate the Idaho dunes tiger beetle on Saylor Creek Bombing Range.  
Stephens G.M.  1995.  Letter to Kathy Strickland, SAIC, regarding a first effort to locate the Idaho dunes tiger beetle on Saylor Creek Bombing Range.  
Stephens DA, Reynolds TD.  1983.  Birds of southwestern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(4):728-738.  Available from
Stephens G.M.  1994.  A preliminary survey of butterflies in western juniper communities, Final Report.  
Stephens SL, McIver JD, Boerner REJ, Fettig CJ, Fontaine JB, Hartsough BR, Kennedy PA, Schwilk DW.  2012.  The effects of forest fuel-reduction treatments in the United States.  BioScience.  62(6):549-560.  Available from
Stephens GM, Ferris CD.  2002.  Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the Mud Flat Road, Owyhee County, Idaho, with comments on the discovery of Thessalia leanira (C. & R. Felder) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  38(1/2):1-5.
Stephens G..  1990.  Personal communication with Chris Lorain, dated 22 January 1990, regarding Juncus effusus var. pacificus EOs in the IDHP database.