Bibliography and Citations

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Smith BE, Keinath D.  2004.  Species assessment for the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Wyoming.    Available from
Smith GW, Johnson DR.  1985.  Demography of a Townsend ground squirrel population in southwest Idaho.  Ecology.  66(1):171-178.  Available from
Smith DR, Brown JA, Lo NCH.  2004.  Application of adaptive sampling to biological populations. Thompson WL, editor. Washington (DC): Island Press.   p. 77-122.  Available from
Smith BE.  2003.  Conservation assessment of the tiger salamander in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming.    Available from
Smith N.S, Krausman P.R.  1988.  Desert bighorn sheep: a guide to selected management practices.  
Smith SD.  1971.  Notes and new species of limnephilid caddisflies from Idaho (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  47(3):184-188.
Smith SD.  1969.  Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  42(1):46-53.  Available from
Smith A.H.  1973.  The mushroom hunter's field guide - revised and enlarged.  
Smith MJ.  1995.  Moths of western North America. 2. Distribution of Sphingidae of western North America. Edition Revised.  Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum.  Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, Department of Entomology.    Available from
Smith J.F, Perkins D.N.  2008.  Species boundaries in Pyrrocoma liatiformis E. Greene and Pyrrocoma scaberula E. Green (Asteraceae) based on AFLP data, draft.  
Smith J..  1974.  Peraphyllum ramosissimum.  
Smith G.R, al. et.  1983.  Taxonomic relationships of the Zuni Mountain sucker, CATOSTOMUS DISCOBOLUS YARROWI.  Copeia.  1983:37-48.
Smith GW, Nydegger NC, Yensen DL.  1984.  Passerine bird densities in shrubsteppe vegetation.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  55(2):261-264.  Available from
Smith C.W.  1991.  Lichen conservation in Hawaii. No. 43.  
Smith JKapler, Fischer WC.  1997.  Fire ecology of the forest habitat types of northern Idaho.    Available from
Smith R..  1994.  Bighorn sheep surveys and inventory: Magic Valley Region, Progress Report.  
Smith N.S, Clark J.D.  1994.  Black bears in Arkansas: characteristics of a successful translocation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  75:309-320.
Smith BL, J. Dieni S, Rogers RL, Anderson SH.  2001.  Effects of ungulate browsing on aspen regeneration in northwestern Wyoming [abstract]. Shepperd WD, Binkley D, Bartos DL, Stohlgren TJ, Eskew LG, editors. Grand Junction (CO): Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 163.  Available from
Smith J.P, Hoffman J.T, Partridge A.D.  1996.  Whitebark pine disease survey for the northern portion of U.S. Forest Service Region Four; Interim Report.  
Small A..  1974.  Mountain quail.
Small A.M, Adey W.H, Lutz S.M, Reese E.G, Roberts D.L.  1996.  A macrophyte-based rapid biosurvey of stream water quality: Restoration at the watershed scale.  Restoration Ecology.  4(2):124-145.
Small R.J, Rusch D.H.  1989.  The natal dispersal of ruffed grouse.  Auk.  106:72-79.
Slocum K, Millet A, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2016.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2016 status report.    Available from
Slocum K, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2017.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2017 status report.  :1-13.  Available from
Slater JR, Slipp JW.  1940.  A new species of Plethodon from northern Idaho.  Occasional Papers, Department of Biology, College of Puget Sound.  8:38-43.  Available from